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Gli elastomeri di poliestere funzionalizzati con GMA aumentano la resistenza alla rottura e l'allungamento Materiale autodegradabile compatibilizzante

Modello n.: BP-2


È un elastomero di poliestere funzionalizzato con GMA, che può essere completamente degradato da solo e viene utilizzato principalmente per migliorare la compatibilità dei materiali degradabili in poliestere.
Articolo di prova Dati del test Metodo di prova
densità 1,21 g/cm³ ASTM D792
Punto di fusione (DSC) 121°C ASTM D3418
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto Metodo interno
Aspetto particelle bianche o giallastre
Descrizione dei prodotti


Delamination, surface peeling, and other faults occur during the injection molding, extrusion, and other processing steps used to create degradable plastics. The material strength is also weak and brittle. Compatibilizer can be used to enhance and resolve this type of production issue.

Another name for compatibilizer is compatibilizer. It refers to the auxiliary agent, in this case the polymer compatibilizer, that encourages the blending of two incompatible polymers to produce a stable blend by enhancing the intermolecular bonding force.

Lactic acid is blended with other substances or polymer components in blending modification. The idea is to add polymers with polar and stiff groups to PLA in order to enhance the interaction between polymer chains and increase the endurance of the material. performance. Because other high glass transition temperature compounds and high heat-resistant polymer materials cannot be destroyed, the blending agent is primarily a degradable polymer material. Because the mixing modification procedure is so straightforward, it has currently taken over as the primary PLA alteration technique.

BP-2 is a GMA functionalized polyester elastomer, which can be fully degraded by itself, and is mainly used to improve the compatibility of polyester degradable materials.In biodegradable plastics, it can modify the surface of fillers (starch, calcium carbonate, talc, etc.), improve the dispersibility of fillers, and allow the fillers to be evenly distributed in the entire resin system, thereby increasing the elongation at break of the material. tensile strength, etc. It can be used in PBAT/PLA composite material and PBAT/PLA filler

The deterioration of polyester materials is accelerated by the plastic auxiliary agent. It hastens the disintegration of the polymer chains, making degradation quicker and more effective. In industries like packaging, agriculture, and textiles where controlled degradation of polyester materials is sought, this capability is essential. The breakdown rate of polyester materials may be accurately regulated by integrating our auxiliary agent, providing top performance and environmental sustainability.

Grado Contenuto del gruppo epossidico Density g/㎤ Caratteristiche
BP-2 Alto 1.21 Degradable material compatibilizer, which can be fully degraded by itself

Dose consigliata:3-10%, può essere aumentata o diminuita opportunamente in base ai requisiti di tenacità e tenendo conto dei costi.

Imballaggio, stoccaggio e trasporto:Sacco kraft da 20 kg con sacchetto di plastica interno. Questo prodotto deve essere trattato come articolo non pericoloso e deve essere immagazzinato o trasportato in condizioni di asciutto, evitando la luce del sole e la pioggia.


  • BP-2 is suitable for produces which needs high reactivity and low residue.Degradable material compatibilizer, which can be fully degraded by itself.
  • Performance traits of a plastic compatibilizer that degrades:Increase the toughness, tensile strength, and other mechanical properties of the product; improve the gloss, light transmittance, and load-bearing properties of the film;
  • increase the compatibility in the formulation system, aid in the molding of pellets, and increase the toughness and strength of pellets;
  • increase the toughness, tensile, strength, and other mechanical properties of the product;and by increasing the dispersion and compatibility of the formulation system, the goal of increasing the amount of fill.




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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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It can be used as compatibilizers For PLA,PBAT with starch,bamboo powder,inorganic mineral powder and for the PLA/PBAT alloy.


1.Can I receive a sample for free?
Yes, with freight collect shipment, we might provide a free sample for testing. Sample will be delivered to the address you have provided.

2.What should I order?
Please email us a query first, describing your plastic goods, ingredients, and the outcome you hope to achieve by adding the additives. After that, we will respond quickly and suggest the best additions for you. Free samples will also be sent out after receiving your approval. Prices for large orders may be negotiated once an effective test result has been obtained. Once payment has been received, delivery for bulk orders will take 1–7 working days.

3.What is your warranty policy?
3 years warranty.

4. Can you build a formulation especially for our unique needs?
Yes, we have a team of experienced engineers to work for you.




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