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Prodotto EVA-g-MAH per uso generale

Modello n.: K2G


K2G è un prodotto EVA-g-MAH di uso generale con eccellenti proprietà di assorbimento.
Il K2G è un tipo di prodotto che si ottiene innestando l'anidride maleica (MAH) su un copolimero etilene-vinilacetato (EVA). Questo processo crea un prodotto con eccellenti proprietà globali, il che significa che si comporta bene in una varietà di applicazioni. Le eccellenti proprietà globali del K2G lo rendono un prodotto versatile che può essere utilizzato in un'ampia gamma di applicazioni. Ad esempio, può essere utilizzato nella produzione di materiali per l'imballaggio, come pellicole e sacchetti, e nella produzione di componenti automobilistici, come guarnizioni per porte e guarnizioni. Inoltre, il K2G può essere utilizzato nella creazione di rivestimenti per fili e cavi, adesivi e persino nella formulazione di alcuni tipi di rivestimenti e vernici.
Descrizione dei prodotti


The General-Purpose EVA-g-MAH product improves adhesion, compatibility, and heat stability in a variety of applications, providing outstanding performance and versatility. This additive redefines the potential of materials and compounds in many production processes due to its better adhesion, enhanced compatibility, superior thermal stability, and adjustable formulas. In the automotive, packaging, construction, and electronics industries, manufacturers can gain higher adhesion, specialized performance, and enhanced material qualities by integrating this product into their production processes.

K2G è un prodotto EVA-g-MAH di uso generale con eccellenti proprietà di assorbimento.

EVA-g-MAH can be used as a film for hot-pressing bonding wood, and the bonding can be completed at a lower hot-pressing temperature

K2G is a type of product that is made by grafting maleic anhydride (MAH) onto an ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer. This process creates a product with excellent comprehensive properties, meaning it performs well in a variety of applications.

EVA is a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate that is known for its flexibility, toughness, and low-temperature properties. By grafting MAH onto the EVA copolymer, the resulting K2G product gains improved properties, such as increased adhesion to other materials and enhanced compatibility with polar materials.

EVA is a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate that is known for its flexibility, toughness, and low-temperature properties. By grafting MAH onto the EVA copolymer, the resulting K2G product gains improved properties, such as increased adhesion to other materials and enhanced compatibility with polar materials.

The excellent comprehensive properties of K2G make it a versatile product that can be used in a wide range of applications. For example, it can be used in the manufacture of packaging materials, such as films and bags, as well as in the production of automotive parts, such as door seals and gaskets. Additionally, K2G can be used in the creation of wire and cable coatings, adhesives, and even in the formulation of certain types of coatings and paints.


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It can be seen from the above table that on the bonding metal aluminum, the adhesion of K2G is comparable to that of the American and foreign competitor EVA-g-MAH.

  • Improved Compatibility: The EVA-g-MAH product works well with a variety of polymers, such as styrene-based polymers, polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene (PE). It makes compatibility and blending more efficient, which improves material characteristics and performance.
  • Better adhesive: By improving the adhesive qualities of different materials, the product encourages robust bonding between substrates that are incompatible with one another. Because of its higher surface energy, it adheres to metals, ceramics, and other difficult substrates with greater ease.
  • Superior Thermal Stability: Under high-temperature processing circumstances, the EVA-g-MAH product maintains its performance and qualities thanks to its remarkable thermal stability. The product’s dependability and appropriateness for demanding applications are enhanced by this feature.
  • Versatile Applications: The product is used in many different industries, including as electronics, construction, automotive, and packaging. It is appropriate for a variety of production processes and end-use applications due to its compatibility and adhesion improvement qualities


Enhanced Compatibility: By addressing the difficulties involved in combining dissimilar materials, the EVA-g-MAH product dramatically enhances the compatibility between various polymers. This benefit enables producers to develop new chemicals and materials with enhanced capabilities.

Superior Adhesion: By improving substrate adhesion, the product helps multi-material assemblies form strong bonds. This benefit is especially important for applications requiring consistent adherence, like electronic devices, packaging materials, and automobile components.

Formulations that can be customized: The product’s formulation design flexibility enables manufacturers to modify its attributes to satisfy certain application requirements. The adhesion, compatibility, and other performance properties of the material can be adjusted by varying the EVA-g-MAH content.
Broad Uses: The EVA-g-MAH product is used in a wide range of products and industries, such as coatings, adhesive films, wire and cable insulation, injection-molded parts, and melt adhesives. It is appropriate for a variety of industrial processes and end-use requirements due to its adaptability and compatibility.


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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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EVA-g-MAH can be used as a film for hot-pressing bonding wood, and the bonding can be completed at a lower hot-pressing temperature

Soluzione per settore

Automotive: The product is used in applications including weatherstrips, interior trim pieces, and the adhesive joining of metal and plastic components. Its better adhesion and compatibility qualities support dependable component assembly and higher performance.

Packaging: The product is used in coatings, adhesive films, and laminates, among other packaging applications. It improves the integrity, toughness, and barrier qualities of packing materials by strengthening their adherence.

Construction: Sealants, adhesives, and coatings are only a few of the uses for the product in the construction sector. Strong bonds between different building materials are made possible by its adhesion-enhancing qualities and compatibility, which guarantee structural integrity and lifespan.

Electronics: The product is used in the electronics sector for encapsulating materials, adhesively connecting electronic components, and insulating wires and cables. The superior adhesion and compatibility qualities of this material improve the dependability and efficiency of electronic equipment.






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