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Additivi del copolimero silano di innesto EVA per l'incapsulamento fotovoltaico

Modello n.: R2120


Il copolimero etilene-vinilacetato funzionalizzato con silano ha le caratteristiche di un elevato contenuto di silano, alta trasparenza e basso punto di cristallo.
Prestazioni Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95g/㎤ ASTM D792
Punto di fusione (DSC) 69℃(156℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃2.16kg) 5-15g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di silano Alto Metodo interno
Descrizione dei prodotti


One kind of silane-functionalized ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer is called R2120. R2120 now has special qualities due to this alteration, such as a high silane content, great transparency, and a low crystal point.

The use of EVA graft silane copolymer additives, which provide noteworthy benefits such increased adhesion, mechanical strength, UV resistance, and moisture barrier qualities, is crucial for photovoltaic encapsulation. These additives support maximum energy conversion efficiency and lower maintenance costs by extending the overall lifespan, durability, and dependability of PV modules. The rise and adoption of solar energy as a sustainable and renewable power source is supported by the use of EVA graft silane copolymer additives in PV module manufacturing processes, which guarantee the creation of high-quality modules appropriate for a variety of applications in the solar PV industry.


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Prestazioni Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95g/㎤ ASTM D792
Punto di fusione (DSC) 69℃(156℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃2.16kg) 5-15g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di silano Alto Metodo interno

Nota: I dati sopra riportati sono valori di prova tipici e non devono essere interpretati come specifiche.

Dosaggio suggerito:Il dosaggio suggerito èIn base all'applicazione effettiva, tenendo conto dei costi, l'importo appropriato di aumento o diminuzione.

Imballaggio e trasporto: Sacchetto di plastica da 20 kg, in base alle merci non pericolose, evitare la luce del sole e la pioggia.

Good silane concentration, good transparency, and low crystal point characterize the silane functionalized ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer.

  • Reactive Silane Coupling Agents: The reactive silane coupling agents included in the EVA graft silane copolymer additives help to improve the interfacial compatibility and adhesion strength by promoting covalent bonding between the EVA copolymer and other components like the glass or backsheet.
  • Enhanced Cross-Linking: By encouraging cross-linking reactions inside the EVA copolymer matrix, these additives improve the material’s resilience to environmental influences, mechanical strength, and thermal stability.
  • UV-Resistance: The encapsulating material’s resistance to UV degradation is improved by the addition of UV-stabilizing components to the additives, assuring long-term dependability and preserving optical transparency.
  • Moisture Barrier Properties: By improving the encapsulating material’s moisture barrier qualities, EVA graft silane copolymer additives lower the chance of delamination and raise overall module dependability.


Good Compatibility: The graft silane copolymer additives are easily incorporated into the current encapsulation methods due to their great compatibility with EVA copolymers.
Optimal Dispersion: By providing greater dispersibility in the EVA matrix, these additives guarantee even distribution and enhanced mechanical qualities across the encapsulation film.
Low Yellowing: The additives provide low yellowing properties that help to maintain the encapsulating material’s look and optical clarity over time.
The EVA graft silane copolymer additives exhibit exceptional thermal stability, enabling them to function even at elevated operating temperatures.
Enhanced Module Reliability: By strengthening the bonds between various components, these additives lower the chance of delamination and increase the overall dependability of PV modules.


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Application Specifics

PV Module Encapsulation: During the PV module encapsulation process, EVA graft silane copolymer additives are added to the EVA copolymer matrix to enhance adhesion, cross-linking, and durability.
Lamination Methodology: In order to create a robust module structure, additives can be used to improve the binding between the encapsulating material and other layers, such as the front glass or backsheet.
Roll-to-Roll Coating: In certain industrial processes, roll-to-roll coating techniques can be used to ensure optimal performance and uniform dispersion of the additives.

Application Industries

Solar Photovoltaic Industry: PV modules used in utility-scale, commercial, and residential solar systems are encapsulated with EVA graft silane copolymer additives in the solar PV industry.
Renewable Energy industry: By enhancing PV modules’ durability, performance, and dependability, these additives help the renewable energy industry grow and encourage the wider use of solar energy as a sustainable energy source.


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