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Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Grafted Maleic Anhydride Additives Used as Reinforced Filler for Nylon

Model No.: W1P-2


Coace ® W1P-2 is an anhydride modified ethylene propylene diene monomer elastomer. It is a modified elastomer with good performance on anti-fatigue and aging resistance.
Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Aspetto Granuli
Colore Bianco o giallo chiaro
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 0.1-0.6 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto wt% Metodo COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%.

Descrizione dei prodotti


One notable characteristic of W1P-2 is its good performance in terms of anti-fatigue properties. This means that it is capable of enduring repeated cyclic loading and deformation without significant degradation, making it suitable for applications that involve repetitive stress or movement.

Additionally, W1P-2 exhibits excellent aging resistance, which means it can withstand prolonged exposure to environmental factors such as heat, sunlight (UV radiation), and chemicals without significant deterioration or loss of its mechanical properties. This property is crucial in applications where the material needs to maintain its performance and integrity over an extended period.

EPDM is a type of synthetic rubber that is widely used in various industries due to its excellent weather resistance, electrical insulation properties, and resistance to heat, ozone, and chemicals. The “anhydride modified” aspect refers to a specific modification made to the EPDM polymer to enhance certain properties.

Our grafted maleic anhydride additives for ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) are especially made to work as strengthened fillers for nylon products. These additives provide a
wide range of advantages and uses in several sectors because to their distinctive features and remarkable performance.

Our EPDM Grafted Maleic Anhydride Additives’ main purpose is to improve the mechanical qualities of nylon products.

These additions strengthen, stiffen, and prolong the life of nylon by serving as reinforced fillers, making it ideal for demanding applications. With the great compatibility between the additives and nylon ensured by the EPDM grafting process, performance is improved.

Several benefits come with using EPDM grafted Maleic Anhydride additions as reinforced fillers for Nylon-based products, such as better mechanical and thermal stability, increased compatibility, and superior chemical resistance. The grafting technology, thermal stability, chemical compatibility, and reinforcing capacity of these additives maximize the performance of materials based on nylon. EPDM grafted Maleic Anhydride additives offer dependable and long-lasting solutions for applications in the automotive, electrical, industrial, and consumer goods sectors. These solutions guarantee improved performance, lifespan, and resilience to harsh environments.


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Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Aspetto Granuli
Colore Bianco o giallo chiaro
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 0.1-0.6 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto wt% Metodo COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%.


  • Grafting Technology: By utilizing cutting-edge grafting technology, the EPDM grafted Maleic Anhydride additives effectively link EPDM and Nylon matrices together. With the help of this technology, additives are dispersed uniformly, improving compatibility and mechanical qualities.
  • Reinforcement Capability: For materials based on nylon, these additions function as reinforced fillers. They improve the material’s resistance to impact, fatigue, and deformation while strengthening its structural integrity. The capacity to reinforce improves the overall toughness and durability of the material.
  • heat Stability: Nylon-based polymers benefit greatly from the EPDM grafted Maleic Anhydride additives’ exceptional heat stability. They allow the material to endure high temperatures without losing its dimensional stability or mechanical integrity. Reliable performance in challenging thermal settings is ensured by this feature.
  • Chemical Compatibility: There is remarkable chemical compatibility between Nylon and these additions. They create robust connections inside the polymer matrix, boosting the material’s ability to withstand chemicals and shielding it from corrosive agents. This characteristic guarantees nylon-based products’ durability and dependability in a range of chemical conditions.

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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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1.To be used as impact modifiers for PA6, PA66, and polyamide base fire retardantcompounds masterbatch.

2.To be used as compatibilizers to improve the compatibility between polyamide andpolypropylene, or polyethylene.

Finally, as reinforced fillers for nylon materials, our Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Grafted Maleic Anhydride Additives provide excellent advantages and uses. These additives are perfect for a variety of sectors, including automotive, electrical and electronics, industrial, and consumer goods, thanks to their better mechanical qualities, increased heat and chemical resistance, and decreased moisture absorption. Our additives guarantee high-performance goods that satisfy the strict standards of contemporary applications by being incorporated into nylon materials.




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