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Additivo anti-PID per film fotovoltaico in EVA funzionalizzato con gruppo epossidico

Modello n.: R2320


RM2320 è un polimero granulare bianco e trasparente innestato con glicidilmetacrilato e copolimero di etilene vinilacetato come materiale di matrice e additivo anti-PID.
Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Aspetto Granuli traslucidi bianchi /
Punto di fusione (DSC)  66℃(151℉)  ASTM D3418
Descrizione dei prodotti


RM2320 è un polimero innestato di glicidilmetacrilato con copolimero di etilene vinilacetato come materiale di matrice e ha un aspetto granulare bianco traslucido.

The Epoxy Group Functionalized Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) Photovoltaic Film Anti-Potential Induced Degradation (PID) Additive is a cutting-edge solution for improving the performance and durability of photovoltaic (PV) modules. This anti-PID additive, with its epoxy group functionalization, tackles the issues raised by PID, a phenomenon that can severely degrade the efficiency and reliability of solar cells.


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Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Aspetto Granuli traslucidi bianchi /
Punto di fusione (DSC)  66℃(151℉)  ASTM D3418


  • High PID Resistance: The additive provides a strong barrier against Potential Induced Degradation (PID), a serious issue in PV modules caused by large voltage differentials. It reduces the effects of PID while preserving the efficiency and performance of solar panels over time.
  • Improved Adhesion: The epoxy group functionalization improves the additive’s adhesive qualities, resulting in strong bonding between the EVA encapsulant and other layers within the PV module. This enhanced adhesion improves the module’s structural integrity.
  • UV Resistance: The additive has good UV resistance, shielding the EVA encapsulant and PV cells from the negative effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight. UV stability ensures the PV module’s lifetime and durability.
  • Thermal Stability: The additive’s characteristics and effectiveness remain unchanged even at high temperatures. This stability is critical for PV modules that operate under a variety of environmental situations.
  • Low Volatility: The additive is low in volatility, reducing the possibility of outgassing while maintaining a stable encapsulation environment within the PV module. This feature improves the dependability and safety of the solar panel.


The Epoxy Group Functionalized EVA Photovoltaic Film Anti-PID Additive has several advantages, including improved module efficiency. By minimising PID impacts, the additive helps to preserve PV module efficiency, assuring optimal energy generation throughout the module’s lifespan.

Extended Module Lifespan: The additive’s PID resistance and UV stability help PV modules last longer. This endurance lowers maintenance costs while increasing the return on investment for solar installations.

Improved Reliability: The additive’s excellent adhesion and heat stability increase the reliability of PV modules, lowering the danger of delamination, cracking, and performance deterioration.

Cost-Effectiveness: By protecting against PID and UV deterioration, the additive decreases the need for premature module replacements and repairs, saving solar system owners money.

Environmental Compatibility: The additive is designed to be environmentally benign, having little influence on the ecosystem. It adheres to severe environmental legislation and sustainability norms.


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Applicazione tipica

Used to improve the anti-PID performance of photovoltaic adhesive film

EVA Encapsulant Formulations: The additive can be mixed directly into EVA encapsulant formulations during the PV module production process.

Pre-Applied EVA Sheets: Manufacturers can provide pre-applied EVA sheets that already contain the additive. These sheets make it easier for solar panel producers to assemble modules while also providing consistent and effective PID protection.

La quantità di aggiunta consigliata è da 2 a 5%.
È preferibile utilizzare una combinazione di:
1-RM210A: 1% + R2320: 4%.
2-RM208: 2% + R2320: 3%.

Applicazione Industria

Epoxy Group Functionalized EVA Photovoltaic Film Anti-PID Additive has industry applications in solar energy systems. The additive was developed specifically for use in PV modules and solar energy systems. It is compatible with both crystalline silicon and thin-film PV systems.

Commercial and residential solar installations: Solar panel manufacturers and installers can use the additive into their EVA encapsulant formulas to increase the dependability and efficiency of solar panels used in commercial and residential settings.

Utility-Scale Solar Farms: The addition improves PID resistance and UV stability, which benefits large-scale solar farms. It ensures steady energy generation while reducing maintenance requirements for utility-scale systems.

Off-Grid Applications: The additive is perfect for off-grid solar applications including remote power systems and solar-powered telecommunications devices. It offers consistent energy generation in difficult circumstances.

BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics): Architects and building developers can employ PV modules with the additive in BIPV applications, which incorporate solar panels into building facades and rooftops. The PID resistance and increased lifespan improve the building’s sustainability and beauty.

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