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Agente di accoppiamento per terpolimero casuale stirene-acrilonitrile-glicidilmetacrilato

Modello n.: KS-05


KS-05 è un tipo di compatibilizzante epossidico reattivo ad alto contenuto ed equivalente di gruppo epossidico.
performance data Metodo di prova
densità 1,06g/cm3 ASTMD792
Melt flow rate (230ºC/2.16kg) 15-35g/10min ASTM D1238
Epoxy group content2-4% Coace Method
umidità ≤0,5%

Determinazione rapida dell'umidità con alogeni

Descrizione dei prodotti


The Random Styrene-Acrylonitrile-Glycidyl Methacrylate (SAN-GMA) Terpolymer Coupling Agent improves the mechanical characteristics, compatibility, and processability of polymer blends, providing outstanding value and performance. This coupling agent transforms the performance of polymer blends with its glycidyl methacrylate functionality, SAN-GMA terpolymer matrix, chemical reactivity, and desired rheological qualities.

KS-05 è un tipo di compatibilizzante epossidico reattivo ad alto contenuto ed equivalente di gruppo epossidico.

It features high reactivity and obvious compatibiling and endcapping effect, and is able to improve the thermal stability, anti-hydrolytic stability and mechanical performance. It is suitable for PC/ABS, PC/ASA, R PC/ABS and other alloy materials having low gloss requirements.

The high epoxy content and equivalent of KS-05 make it a particularly effective compatibilizer for systems where strong adhesion and bonding is required. It can be used in a variety of applications, including coatings, adhesives, and composites. Additionally, KS-05 can improve the toughness, impact resistance, and chemical resistance of the resulting blends.

KS-05 is a type of epoxy reactive compatibilizer that contains a high amount of epoxy groups. Compatibilizers are used to improve the compatibility between two or more materials that are normally immiscible or have limited miscibility. Epoxy reactive compatibilizers contain reactive functional groups, such as epoxy groups, that can react with other materials to create a stronger bond and improve the properties of the resulting blend.

The high epoxy content and equivalent of KS-05 make it a particularly effective compatibilizer for systems where strong adhesion and bonding is required. It can be used in a variety of applications, including coatings, adhesives, and composites. Additionally, KS-05 can improve the toughness, impact resistance, and chemical resistance of the resulting blends.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

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Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.





performance data Metodo di prova
densità 1,06g/cm3 ASTMD792
Melt flow rate (230ºC/2.16kg) 15-35g/10min ASTM D1238
Epoxy group content2-4% Coace Method
umidità ≤0,5%

Determinazione rapida dell'umidità con alogeni

  • Functionality of Glycidyl Methacrylate: The coupling agent has the functionality of glycidyl methacrylate, which promotes effective coupling and interfacial adhesion between various polymers in blends. This special quality improves the mechanical qualities, compatibility, and overall performance of the blend.
  • Styrene-Acrylonitrile-GMA at Random Terpolymer: The random styrene-acrylonitrile-glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer, which offers good compatibility and reactivity with a variety of polymers, is the basis of the coupling agent. This allows for effective coupling and compatibilization of different polymer components.
  • Chemical Reactivity: The coupling agent’s glycidyl methacrylate functionality reacts chemically well with a range of polar polymers. Better blend qualities are the outcome of this reactivity, which promotes covalent bonding and compatibilization between the polymer components.
  • Rheological Properties: The coupling agent has favorable rheological characteristics that make it easier to blend with various polymers and increase processability. These characteristics include good melt flow and viscosity control.
  • Customized Compatibilization: Polymer blends can be made to be specifically compatible thanks to the coupling agent’s chemical reactivity. It makes it possible to tailor characteristics like adhesion strength, thermal behavior, and melt viscosity to the demands of a given application.

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Servizi globali

Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

Vantaggio per le imprese!

Impaginazione in patria e all'estero, meravigliosa per la miscelazione
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KS- 05 contains epoxy group equivalent of high density, which may have strong reaction with polyester.containing active group and having high density of active end group, so as to realize efficient end capping and improve the thermal stability and anti-hydrolytic stability,Meanwhile, the epoxy group equivalent of high density may realize chain extension and crosslinking and have delustering effect on the polyester materials.

Soluzione per settore

Applications for the SAN-GMA Terpolymer Coupling Agent can be found in a range of sectors and polymer blend compositions, including:

Automotive: Under-the-hood parts, exterior trimmings, and interior components are among the areas where the coupling agent is used. It enhances the mechanical qualities and compatibility of polymer blends, improving the dimensional stability, impact resistance, and general performance of automobile parts.

Electronics: In the electronics sector, coupling agent is utilized in the manufacturing of electronic housings, connections, and insulating materials. It contributes to the electrical insulation, thermal stability, and dependability of electronic components by improving the mechanical and compatibility qualities of polymer blends.

Packaging: Films, bottles, and containers are among the materials that are produced using the coupling agent. Enhancing the mechanical qualities and compatibility of polymer blends allows for the development of better packaging solutions that have better impact resistance, barrier qualities, and processability.

Consumer Goods: The coupling agent is used in the production of toys, athletic goods, appliances, and other consumer products. It improves the mechanical characteristics and compatibility of polymer blends, enhancing the performance, longevity, and appeal of consumer goods.


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