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Compatibilizzante per PA e PP con trattamento speciale della formula

Modello n.: W1C-B


Coace® W1C-B is a maleic anhydride polyolefin with special formula treatment. It is used as compatibilizers to improve the compatibility between polyamide and polypropylene, or polyethylene
Aspetto granuli
Colore Bianco o giallo chiaro
Indice di fusione (190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min 0.3-1.5 g/cm 3 ASTM D792
Indice di fusione (190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min 0.3-1.5 g/cm 3 ASTM D792
Contenuto di anidride maleica Centro g/10min ASTM D1238
Densità(g/㎤) 0.89 wt% Metodo COACE[1]
Descrizione dei prodotti


Coace® W1C-B è una poliolefina di anidride maleica con un trattamento speciale della formula.

The maleic anhydride polyolefin compatibilizer with particular formula treatment is a significant achievement in polymer engineering. This compatibilizer increases polymer blends’ mechanical qualities, durability, and processing adaptability by increasing the compatibility of polyamide and polyolefins.

The compatibilizer’s distinct qualities, such as its chemical composition, particular formula treatment, and improved interfacial adhesion, make it a vital addition for producing high-performance polymer blends. As the need for new materials grows, innovative compatibilizers such as this one will play an important role in pushing further improvements in polymer technology and application.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Aspetto granuli
Colore Bianco o giallo chiaro
Indice di fusione (190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min 0.3-1.5 g/cm 3 ASTM D792
Contenuto di anidride maleica Centro g/10min ASTM D1238
Densità(g/㎤) 0.89 wt% Metodo COACE[1]

Note[1] BASSO<0,4wt%; Medio(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Alto≥0,8wt%

  • Chemical composition: The compatibilizer is composed of a polyolefin backbone grafted with maleic anhydride (MA) groups. Maleic anhydride functional groups are reactive sites that can chemically interact with the polyamide matrix to improve adhesion and dispersion in the polyolefin phase. This grafting technique is crucial for improving the compatibility of PA and PP or PE.
  • Special Formula Treatment: The specific formula treatment uses proprietary processing processes and formulas to improve the compatibilizer’s performance. This treatment improves the compatibilizer’s grafting efficiency, dispersion quality, and stability, resulting in consistent results under a variety of processing circumstances and applications.
    Strength, toughness, and durability are all improved as a result of increases in the mechanical properties of the polymer blends.
  • Enhanced Interfacial Adhesion: The maleic anhydride groups in the compatibilizer form chemical bonds with the amine groups in polyamides. This chemical interaction enhances the interfacial adhesion of PA and polyolefins, which is critical for achieving a homogeneous and stable blend.
  • Thermal stability: The compatibilizer has exceptional thermal stability because to the specific formula treatment. This stability guarantees that the compatibilizer works properly during high-temperature processing of PA, PP, or PE mixes, such as extrusion or injection molding.


1. Improved compatibility: The fundamental benefit of utilizing this compatibilizer is a large increase in the compatibility of polyamide and polyolefin. Improved interfacial adhesion results in higher mechanical properties and a more equal distribution of polymers throughout the blend.

2. Enhanced Mechanical Properties: PA and PP or PE mixes that have been changed with the compatibilizer outperform unaltered blends in terms of mechanical qualities. These qualities include higher tensile strength, better impact resistance, and overall toughness. The compatibilizer guarantees that the strengths of both polymers are properly exploited in the final composition.

3. Reduced Phase Separation: Without a compatibilizer, blends of PA and PP or PE tend to phase separate, resulting in poor mechanical performance and processing issues. The maleic anhydride polyolefin compatibilizer addresses this issue by fostering a more homogeneous and stable mix, minimizing the likelihood of phase separation.

4. Versatile Processing: The particular formula treatment provides thermal stability and increased compatibility, making this compatibilizer appropriate for a variety of processing methods such as extrusion, injection molding, and blow molding. This adaptability enables manufacturers to employ the compatibilizer in a variety of manufacturing conditions and applications.

5. Enhanced Durability: Improved compatibility and mechanical qualities result in materials that are more robust and resistant to environmental stress cracks. This endurance is especially significant in applications that need long-term performance under mechanical stress, chemical exposure, or severe conditions.

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Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

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Applicazione tipica

Da utilizzare come modificatori d'impatto per masterbatch di composti ignifughi a base di PA6, PA66 e poliammide.

Da utilizzare come compatibilizzanti per migliorare la compatibilità tra poliammide e polipropilene o polietilene.

Typical Industrial Applications

1. Automotive Industry.
In the automotive industry, compatibilizers are used to improve the performance of PA and PP or PE blends in components like under-the-hood parts, inside trims, and external panels. These components benefit from enhanced mechanical qualities and endurance, ensuring dependability and lifetime in harsh automotive settings.

2. Electric & Electronics
The compatibilizer is used in the electrical and electronics industries to manufacture connections, housings, and other components with precise mechanical qualities and compatibility requirements. The improved performance ensures that these components can tolerate mechanical stress while providing dependable functionality.

3. Consumer goods.
In consumer goods, the compatibilizer is used to increase the performance of PA and PP or PE blends in items like power tools, sporting equipment, and domestic appliances. The improved mechanical qualities and endurance ensure that these goods can tolerate frequent usage and rough treatment.

4. Industrial Applications.
The compatibilizer is useful in the manufacturing of machinery components, gears, and protective housings. The increased compatibility and mechanical qualities ensure that these parts can withstand the harsh conditions of industrial applications without premature failure.

5) Packaging
Rigid packaging solutions frequently require materials that are strong, durable, and chemically resistant. The compatibilizer improves the performance of PA/PP or PE mixes in packaging applications, ensuring that the contents are protected throughout transportation and storage.

6. Medical devices.
In the medical field, the compatibilizer is used to increase the performance of PA and PP or PE blends in medical equipment including orthopedic implants and dental tools. The improved mechanical qualities and compatibility ensure that these devices fulfill the highest safety and performance criteria.


Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.

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