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Coace Special Alloy Series Products Used as Coupling Agent of ABS/PBT, ABS/PC

Modello n.: BDC


Il BDC è un copolimero stirene-butadiene contenente gruppi epossidici dall'aspetto giallastro.
Prestazioni Valore numerico Metodo di prova
Densità 1,02g/cm3 ASTM D792
Melt flow rate(220ºC/5kg) 2,0-5,0g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto del gruppo epossidico Alto Coace Method1
Umidità ≤0,3 % Determinazione rapida dell'umidità con alogeni
Descrizione dei prodotti


Il BDC è un copolimero stirene-butadiene contenente gruppi epossidici dall'aspetto giallastro.

BDC is actually an acronym for “Butadiene Diepoxide Coupled” and refers to a type of styrene-butadiene copolymer that contains epoxy groups. This copolymer is known for its yellowish appearance, which can be attributed to the presence of the epoxy groups.

Styrene-butadiene copolymers are commonly used in a variety of applications, including adhesives, coatings, and sealants. The addition of epoxy groups to the copolymer can improve its adhesive properties, making it more effective at bonding to a variety of surfaces.

The yellowish appearance of BDC is a result of the chemical structure of the epoxy groups. These groups contain aromatic rings that absorb light in the visible spectrum, giving the copolymer a yellowish tint. The color of BDC can vary depending on the amount of epoxy groups present in the copolymer and the specific conditions of the manufacturing process.

Overall, BDC is a valuable material for improving the adhesive properties of styrene-butadiene copolymers. Its yellowish appearance is a characteristic of its chemical structure and can be an advantage in certain applications where color is not a concern.

Products from the Coace Special Alloy Series are excellent coupling agents for mixes of ABS/PC and ABS/PBT. In the creation of high-performance materials, these coupling agents have substantial advantages due to their improved mechanical properties, enhanced compatibility, and exceptional thermal stability. For applications ranging from consumer goods to automobiles, electronics, and appliances, the Coace Special Alloy Series offers a dependable way to maximize the performance of ABS/PBT and ABS/PC blends, resulting in better qualities and longer product lifespans.


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Product Model BDC
Aspetto Light yellow even granules

Comparison parameters of different applications:

Styrene, butadiene copolymer and polyester alloy compatibilizer

Prestazioni Valore numerico Metodo di prova
Densità 1,02g/cm3 ASTM D792
Melt flow rate(220ºC/5kg) 2,0-5,0g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto del gruppo epossidico Alto Coace Method1
Umidità ≤0,3 % Determinazione rapida dell'umidità con alogeni

Nota: i dati sopra riportati sono valori tipici testati e non devono essere interpretati come specifiche Basso 0,8 wt %


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It is epoxy functionalized Styrene copolymer.

The high content of epoxy groups offer adhesion to most polyester polymer, and the base Styrene co-polymer could have good compatibility with ABS, AS polymers.

It is designed as a kind of compatibilizers for the blends like ABS/PBT, ABS/PC, etc.

Solutions by industry:

Automotive Components: Applications involving automobiles are ideally suited for the Coace Special Alloy Series. It improves the mechanical qualities and thermal stability of the blends by strengthening the compatibility between ABS and PBT or PC. Automotive housings, electrical connectors, and external and interior components can all be made with these coupling agents.

Electronic Enclosures: ABS/PBT and ABS/PC mixes are frequently utilized in the electronics industry, where the Coace Special Alloy Series finds application. These coupling agents enhance the mechanical strength, flame retardancy, and compatibility of the mix, which makes them perfect for the manufacturing of connectors, electronic enclosures, and structural parts.

Consumer Products: High-performance materials can be developed for consumer goods thanks to the Coace Special Alloy Series. It improves the mechanical qualities and compatibility of ABS/PC and ABS/PBT mixes, making them appropriate for usage in furniture, sporting goods, and home appliances.

Industrial Equipment: Applications involving industrial equipment are another area in which the Coace Special Alloy Series excels. Blends of ABS/PBT and ABS/PC have better compatibility and mechanical strength, which makes them excellent for usage in industrial machinery, equipment housings, and structural components. These materials can survive harsh environments.


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