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Materiale di imballaggio per film barriera Compatibilizzatore

Modello n.: W1L


COACE's W1L is a polyethylene-based material grafted with MAH, which introduces polarity into the non-polar chain.
Materiale per imballaggi in film barriera Il Compatibilizzante è un additivo adattabile ed efficace, che migliora la compatibilità, le prestazioni barriera e la resistenza meccanica dei materiali utilizzati per gli imballaggi in film barriera.  
Descrizione dei prodotti


Packaging Material for Barrier Film Compatibilizer is a specialist additive that promotes compatibility and enhances overall performance by acting as a mediator between various barrier film packaging material types. It is designed especially to handle the difficulties involved in producing and using barrier films across a range of industries.
Polyethylene is the foundation material used in COACE’s W1L, and it is grafted with MAH to inject polar side groups into the non-polar chain. It functions as an adhesive for both non-polar and polar materials.
In composite films made of nylon, polypropylene, and polyolefin, W1L can serve as a connecting element. The base resin’s and the functional layer resin’s adherence is significantly enhanced by the amino reaction between MAH and nylon.


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  • Enhanced Compatibility: The compatibilizer demonstrates outstanding compatibility with a wide range of barrier film materials, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), among others. A seamless integration and increased performance of the packing materials are both made possible as a result of this.
  • Barrier Performance Enhancement: The compatibilizer enhances the barrier properties of the packaging materials, effectively reducing oxygen and moisture permeation. This translates into extended shelf life for packaged products and enhanced protection against external factors.
  • Improved Mechanical Strength: By increasing the interfacial adhesion between different layers of barrier films, the compatibilizer strengthens the overall mechanical properties of the packaging material. This results in improved puncture resistance, tensile strength, and tear resistance.
  • Thermal Stability: The compatibilizer exhibits high thermal stability, ensuring its performance integrity even under elevated temperatures during processing and application. This feature enables the production of barrier films suitable for various packaging techniques, including heat sealing and thermoforming.




Application Flexibility: Barrier Film Packaging Material Compatibilizer is suitable for use in a broad variety of packaging applications, including as packaging for food and beverages, packaging for pharmaceuticals, and packaging for industrial purposes, amongst others. Opportunities for a wide variety of market segments are made available as a result of its compatibility with a variety of materials.

Cost-Effectiveness: The compatibilizer helps producers to build package solutions with decreased material consumption by improving the performance of barrier film materials. This results in cost-effectiveness. This results in cost reductions while simultaneously maintaining or increasing the quality of the product.

Through its capacity to facilitate the recycling and reuse of barrier films, Barrier Film Packaging Material Compatibilizer contributes to the advancement of sustainability initiatives. It makes it possible to combine items made of different materials, which in turn makes it possible to separate and recycle individual components once they have been used.


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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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The compatibilizer may be utilized in the production of barrier films for the purpose of packing perishable food products including meat, cheese, and snacks. This is an example of food and beverage packaging. It does this by reducing the amount of oxygen and moisture that enters the product, which in turn extends its shelf life.

Packaging used in the pharmaceutical industry: barrier film packaging With its uses in pharmaceutical packaging, Material Compatibilizer maintains the integrity and stability of sensitive medications by providing an efficient barrier against moisture, light, and oxygen. This is accomplished through applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Packaging for Industry: The compatibilizer, when used in industrial packaging, enhances the strength and durability of barrier films, making them appropriate for safeguarding and maintaining a broad variety of industrial items. These products include chemicals, automotive components, and electronic components.

Stand-up Pouches: Barrier Film Packaging Material Compatibilizer makes it possible to manufacture stand-up pouches that have improved barrier qualities. This helps to ensure that packed items maintain their quality and freshness.
Packaging that is Flexible: The compatibilizer may be integrated into flexible packaging solutions, such as bags and sachets, which will provide greater barrier performance and increase the shelf life of the contents that are packed.
Films That Have Been Laminated: The product acts as a compatibilizing agent, which makes it easier to manufacture laminated films that have greater adhesion between the various layers. This, in turn, results in increased mechanical strength and barrier qualities.




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