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Masterbatch funzionale anti-acidificazione per film fotovoltaico EVA

Modello n.: RM208


RM208 è uno speciale masterbatch funzionale a base di copolimero etilene-vinilacetato.
Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Aspetto White Translucent Granules /
Descrizione dei prodotti


RM208 is an organic anti-acidification masterbatch. Compared with inorganic types, it has no effect on transmittance. It can prevent acid and capture cations at the same time, and has a certain anti-PID effect.

The anti-acidification functional masterbatch is intended to improve the durability and performance of EVA photovoltaic films by minimizing the negative effects of acidification. This novel masterbatch contains advanced stabilizers and additives that neutralize acidic substances and limit degradation processes, increasing the life of PV modules and maintaining their performance. By tackling the important issue of acidification, this novel product improves the durability, performance, and longevity of PV modules. Its unique blend of acid neutralizers, thermal stabilizers, and mechanical enhancers ensures that solar panels can resist extreme weather conditions while remaining efficient. As the demand for dependable and cost-effective renewable energy solutions grows, the anti-acidification masterbatch emerges as a critical component in the manufacture of high-performance EVA films for solar applications.


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Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Aspetto White Translucent Granules /
  • Acid Neutralization: The key feature of this masterbatch is its capacity to neutralize acidic chemicals that may accumulate within the EVA film over time. By including specifically designed acid scavengers, the masterbatch effectively inhibits the development of acetic acid and other corrosive byproducts.
  • Enhanced Thermal Stability: The masterbatch incorporates high-performance antioxidants and UV stabilizers that considerably increase the EVA film’s thermal stability. This helps to reduce thermal degradation, which is a major problem in PV modules that are exposed to high temperatures and lengthy periods of sunlight.
  • Improved Mechanical attributes: By strengthening the EVA film with specified additives, the masterbatch improves mechanical attributes like tensile strength and elongation at break. This ensures that the film remains strong and flexible, even in hostile environments.
  • Compatibility and Dispersion: The masterbatch is intended to be extremely compatible with EVA resin, resulting in consistent dispersion throughout the film. This uniformity is critical for ensuring constant performance and protection across the PV module’s surface.
  • Environmental and Safety Compliance: All masterbatch components meet worldwide environmental and safety requirements. This ensures that the masterbatch does not pollute the environment or endanger human health.


Extended Module Lifespan: By preventing acid-induced degradation, the anti-acidification masterbatch greatly increases the operational life of solar modules. This reduces the frequency of replacements and maintenance, lowering the total cost of ownership for solar energy systems.

Maintained Electrical Performance: The masterbatch contributes to the electrical performance of PV modules by ensuring the EVA layer preserves its protective characteristics. This is crucial for maximizing solar panels’ energy output and efficiency throughout their operating life.

Cost-Effective alternative: Incorporating the masterbatch into EVA film production is a more cost-effective alternative than potential module failures and reduced productivity. The increased durability and endurance equate to a higher return on investment for solar energy projects.

Versatility: The masterbatch is compatible with a wide variety of EVA film compositions and manufacturing techniques. This makes it a viable solution for a variety of PV module applications, including residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installations.


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Applicazione tipica

Used to improve the anti-PID performance of photovoltaic adhesive film

Applicazione Industria

Solar Panel Manufacturing: The anti-acidification functional masterbatch is mostly used to manufacture solar panels. By adding this masterbatch into the EVA encapsulant layer, producers can create more durable and dependable PV modules.

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): BIPV systems incorporate solar panels directly into building structures like roofs and facades. The masterbatch’s increased durability is especially useful in these applications, which require long-term performance and visual integrity.

Floating Solar Farms: Solar panels installed on bodies of water confront particular obstacles, such as increased humidity and potential exposure to corrosive elements. The masterbatch’s anti-acidification qualities make it perfect for usage in these situations, extending the life and efficiency of floating solar arrays.

Agrivoltaic systems, which combine agricultural with solar energy production, require PV modules that can resist harsh outdoor environments and changing weather. The masterbatch’s extensive protection helps to maintain consistent performance in such dual-purpose applications.

Solar energy systems in distant and off-grid areas must be extremely reliable due to the difficulty of maintenance and repair. The anti-acidification masterbatch improves the dependability and lifespan of these systems, making them better suited to harsh situations.


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