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Adesivi per film coestrusi ad alta barriera

Modello n.: K2B


I vantaggi degli additivi per film coestrusi multistrato includono una maggiore durata di conservazione, la conservazione della qualità, la sicurezza del prodotto e l'efficienza dei costi.
Aspetto Granuli bianchi o giallo chiaro
Indice di fusione
(190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto
Densità(g/㎤) 0.94
Descrizione dei prodotti


When it comes to preserving the integrity, performance, and usefulness of high barrier coextruded films in a variety of packaging applications, adhesives for these films are absolutely necessary. Some of the most important qualities that these adhesives feature include a high bond strength, compatibility with film materials, resilience to temperature, and barrier properties. There are numerous benefits associated with their use, including enhanced product protection, increased shelf life, a wide range of uses, and formulas that can be customized. In the food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, personal care product packaging, and industrial packaging industries, adhesives for high barrier coextruded films find specific applications.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Aspetto Granuli bianchi o giallo chiaro
Indice di fusione
(190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto
Densità(g/㎤) 0.94

Coace® K2B deve essere conservato in condizioni asciutte e protetto dai raggi UV. Condizioni di stoccaggio inadeguate possono causare la degradazione e avere conseguenze sulle proprietà fisiche del prodotto.

2 anni dalla data di consegna, in confezione integra. Per qualsiasi altra applicazione oltre questo limite, si prega di contattare il proprio rappresentante COACE Chemical.

  • High Bond Strength: Adhesives for high barrier coextruded films are designed to offer strong adhesion between the various layers of the film, helping to ensure that the structure of the film remains intact and long-lasting.
  • Compatibility: These adhesives have a high degree of compatibility with the materials that are typically utilized in the production of coextruded films. These materials include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyester (PET), ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), and aluminum. Specifically, they are engineered to form robust connections with these materials, which guarantees efficient lamination and prevents delamination from occurring further.
  • Resistance to Temperature: Adhesives for high barrier coextruded films are designed to be flexible enough to withstand the temperature requirements of the film manufacturing process, which includes melting, extrusion, and subsequent converting processes.
  • Barrier characteristics: Certain adhesives are developed to either preserve or improve the barrier characteristics of the coextruded film. This is done to guarantee that the bonded areas do not damage the overall barrier performance.
  • Flexibility: Adhesives for high barrier coextruded films have the potential to be flexible in order to accept the inherent flexibility and stretchability of the film. This enables the film to perform at its best during the packaging and shipping processes.




Adhesives that have been designed specifically for high barrier coextruded films offer a number of benefits that contribute to the overall performance and functionality of the packaging. Included among these benefits are:

a. Enhanced Product Protection: The strong bond that is generated by these adhesives guarantees that the many layers of the coextruded film will continue to be laminated securely. This provides enhanced protection against external influences like as moisture, oxygen, light, and fragrance.

b. By preventing the intrusion of oxygen or moisture, which can lead to spoiling or deterioration, adhesives that have high barrier characteristics can aid to increasing the shelf life of packed products. This is accomplished by preventing the ingress of oxygen or moisture.

c. Applications that are Versatile: Adhesives for high barrier coextruded films can be utilized in a wide variety of packaging applications across a variety of industries, including the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the personal care industry, and the industrial products industry. Among the many applications that they are ideal for are pouches, bags, sachets, lidding films, and other similar devices.

d. formulas That may Be Customized: Manufacturers of adhesives provide a variety of formulas that may be customized to meet the requirements of various film structures, production processes, and packaging specifications. This enables the creation of bespoke solutions that are tailored to the specific requirements of the packaging application.


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Focus su R&S
Servizi globali

Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

Vantaggio per le imprese!

Impaginazione in patria e all'estero, meravigliosa per la miscelazione
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Adhesives for High Barrier Coextruded Film: Specific Applications and Their Applications
In a wide variety of packaging applications, adhesives designed for high barrier coextruded films are being utilized extensively. Among the specialized applications are the following:

a. Food Packaging: These adhesives are frequently used in applications that include food packaging, where it is essential to provide protection against oxygen and moisture in order to preserve the quality and freshness of the product. Snack packaging, cheese packaging, coffee bags, and pet food packaging are some examples of different types of packaging.

Packaging in the Pharmaceutical business: Adhesives for high barrier coextruded films play an important part in the pharmaceutical business, since they are responsible for guaranteeing the integrity of sensitive pharmaceuticals and medical devices and protecting them from damage. These are utilized in a variety of pharmaceutical packaging types, including blister packs, pouches, and others.

When it comes to the packaging of personal care items, adhesives are applied. Some examples of these products include wet wipes, diapers, sanitary napkins, and cosmetics. The barrier features of these adhesives contribute to the preservation of the quality and efficiency of the products that are contained within them.

d. Industrial Packaging: Adhesives manufactured for high barrier coextruded films are also utilized in industrial packaging applications. These applications include the packaging of lubricants, chemicals, and automotive components. The use of these adhesives offers dependable protection against external elements and guarantees the secure containment of industrial goods.


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