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In che modo l'applicazione di POE a innesto silano può migliorare la stabilità dei film fotovoltaici?


The effectiveness and longevity of photovoltaic systems depend heavily on the long-term stability and weather resistance of photovoltaic thin films, which constitute a significant part of solar power generation. The aging of conventional photovoltaic films with coupling agents is a problem that has been creatively solved with the introduction of silane grafting POE additives. The aging issues and phenomena brought on by conventional coupling agents are covered in detail in this article along with the benefits of silane-grafted POE additives. Comparison and analysis are used to demonstrate the enhancement effect of silane-grafted POE masterbatch in photovoltaic film applications.

The stability and weather resistance of photovoltaic film, one of the essential components for solar photoelectric conversion, have a significant effect on the functionality and lifespan of photovoltaic systems. Nevertheless, aging issues with conventional photovoltaic films that use coupling agents restrict the lifespan and efficiency of solar films. To address their aging issues, silane grafting POE additives are added as a novel modification to photovoltaic films.


Problemi e fenomeni legati all'invecchiamento indotto dagli agenti accoppianti convenzionali

Gli agenti di accoppiamento sono utilizzati nei film adesivi fotovoltaici convenzionali per aumentare l'adesione e la compatibilità dei polimeri con le particelle inorganiche. L'uso a lungo termine, tuttavia, provoca l'invecchiamento dell'agente di accoppiamento e riduce le prestazioni dei film fotovoltaici. Il degrado del materiale, la riduzione delle prestazioni meccaniche, l'aumento della differenza di colore, ecc. sono i principali segni di invecchiamento. L'affidabilità e la durata dei film fotovoltaici sono limitate da questi problemi.

POE additives’ benefits for silane grafting technology

A novel kind of modifier is the silane grafting POE additive. Its benefit is that it helps with photovoltaic film’s aging issue. To improve the material’s resilience to aging and weathering, silane grafted POE masterbatch can create covalent connections with the polymer matrix. Furthermore, silane grafting POE additives exhibit superior adhesion, thermal stability, and UV resistance, enhancing the photovoltaic film’s lifespan and performance stability.

Analyzing and contrasting conventional coupling agents with silane grafting POE masterbatch

I film POE tradizionali sono premiscelati e impregnati di silano, agente reticolante acrilico e agente reticolante. L'efficienza della produzione ne risentirà, poiché l'adsorbimento del liquido richiederà molto tempo, anche otto ore o più. Alla porta di scarico, si verificherà uno slittamento a causa di una precipitazione incompleta.

Un adsorbimento incompleto provoca la fuoriuscita del liquido, la sua migrazione verso la superficie, l'appiccicosità e la consistenza e l'ostruzione della porta del vuoto quando il produttore del componente incapsula il film fuso.

Il componente finito viene polimerizzato a una temperatura di 160 gradi. Se non si riesce a correggere rapidamente il monomero silano, il PID ne risentirà e la resistenza all'invecchiamento diminuirà.

Graft masterbatch is used by POE membrane.

POE/acrylate (small amount)/cross-linking agent/acrylic acid graft masterbatch/silane graft masterbatch/silane (small amount)
The extrusion slippage phenomena will be enhanced, the total amount of liquid will be decreased, and the soaking time will be shortened.

Vacuum blocking, slippage and shifting, and scrapping will all be improved after extrusion and tape-casting at 80 degrees because the grafting is comparatively stable and the silane is fixed on the POE and less prone to migration.

Finally, the adhesive efficiency will be improved in the high-temperature stage because the grafted silane will share the curing processes, which will ultimately improve the PID aging resistance of the entire component. The benefits of silane grafted POE masterbatch in solar film applications are evident when we contrast its application effects and performance with those of typical coupling agents. The POE masterbatch grafted with silane exhibits superior material stability, increased weather resistance, and extended service life. Additionally, silane grafting POE additions can enhance the photovoltaic films’ mechanical characteristics, resistance to chemical corrosion, and resistance to temperature changes, thereby offering a dependable assurance of the films’ long-term stable operation.


In conclusione

Silane grafting POE additions are a novel kind of modifier with a number of benefits for use in solar film applications. We can conclude that silane grafted POE masterbatch may successfully address the aging problem of solar film and increase its stability and weather resistance through comparison and analysis with existing coupling agents. Silane grafting POE additions can enhance the mechanical characteristics, chemical corrosion resistance, temperature resistance, and age resistance of photovoltaic films.

They also have outstanding resilience to weather, aging, UV light, and thermal fluctuations. For photovoltaic film applications, silane grafted POE masterbatch is a great option because of these benefits, which offer a dependable assurance for the long-term steady operation of solar systems.
Coace® R1030 is a high silane content, high transparency ethylene-octene copolymer that has been functionalized with silane. In addition to advancing the development of solar photovoltaic technology, silane grafting POE additions and performance optimization further enhance the efficiency and dependability of photovoltaic films.

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