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In che modo gli additivi per film fotovoltaici al silano possono migliorare la resistenza agli agenti atmosferici e le prestazioni anti-invecchiamento dei moduli?

The efficiency and longevity of photovoltaic (PV) systems depend heavily on the long-term weather resistance and anti-aging performance of these modules, which are essential to the conversion of solar energy. This article investigates how PV films’ ability to withstand weather and prevent aging can be enhanced by the use of silane compounds. The benefits of utilizing silane additions in PV modules are emphasized through a comparative study and an examination of the mechanisms underlying these enhancements.


Over time, photovoltaic modules may experience performance degradation due to a variety of environmental conditions, including as temperature variations, humidity, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and harsh chemicals. Improving PV modules’ ability to withstand weather and their anti-aging characteristics is a crucial area of research. Silane additives present a viable way to overcome these difficulties because of their special chemical characteristics. Silane grafting agent is a compound that can form chemical bonds between organic and inorganic materials. It can form a layer of polarity at the interface. Thin silicone compound film improves the bonding performance between different materials and improves the stability and weather resistance of the interface. Adding silane coupling agents to photovoltaic sealants can effectively improve the adhesive properties of the sealant and improve its weather resistance in harsh environments.



Weather Resistance and Age-Reduction Issues

Weather-related issues for PV modules include encapsulant material deterioration, yellowing, transparency loss, and decreased layer adhesion. Furthermore, the aging of materials brought on by exposure to moisture, temperature changes, and UV radiation can shorten the lifespan and efficiency of modules.

Comprehending Silane Additives

Organosilicon compounds known as silane additions can alter a material’s surface characteristics and improve its resistance to weathering. These additives have functional groups that interact with the substrate to provide a protective layer and a covalent connection. This layer serves as a defense against chemical attack, UV deterioration, and moisture intrusion.

Improved Weather Resistance Mechanisms

Silane additions increase the PV film’s hydrophobicity, decrease water absorption, and stop microcracks from forming, all of which increase weather resistance. The adhesion, stability, and flexibility of the film are improved under adverse environmental circumstances by the covalent connection between the silane additive and the film matrix. Moreover, UV-induced material degradation is reduced by silane additions’ UV-stabilizing qualities.


Anti-Aging Enhancement of Performance

Silane compounds are essential for enhancing PV modules’ anti-aging capabilities. Silane additives shield the module components from oxidation, hydrolysis, and consequent degradation by limiting the entry of moisture and oxygen. The modules’ longer lifespan is partly due to their improved resilience to temperature fluctuations and chemical stability.

Valutazione comparativa

Weather resistance and anti-aging performance are significantly improved when PV modules with and without silane additions are compared. Silane additives prevent yellowing, improve clarity, and improve adhesive characteristics by providing better protection against UV radiation, moisture infiltration, and chemical attack. The modules that have been treated with silane compounds have longer lifespans and improved long-term stability.



Silane additions offer a practical way to improve PV modules’ resistance to weather and anti-aging capabilities. Silane additives create a barrier that lessens the impacts of moisture, UV light, and abrasive chemicals because of their special chemical makeup. Silane additions increase the hydrophobicity, adhesion, stability, and flexibility of PV modules, hence extending their lifespan and efficiency. To further improve PV system performance, future study should concentrate on silane additive formulation and application optimization.


To sum up, the use of silane additives is a major development in the realm of photovoltaic module technology. Their significance for accomplishing sustainable solar energy conversion is highlighted by our understanding of their mechanisms as well as the advances in weather resistance and anti-aging performance that have been shown. COACE is committed to the R&D, production and service of photovoltaic packaging film additives, and has a R&D team led by several senior engineers and PhDs. COAS photovoltaic packaging film additives have the characteristics of high transparency, low crystal point, high grafting rate, good fluidity and high resistivity, and are favored by the majority of users!

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