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In che modo i film coestrusi multistrato possono preservare il sapore e l'aroma degli alimenti negli imballaggi?

Keeping the flavor and aroma of food products intact is absolutely necessary in order to guarantee the satisfaction of customers. The delicate smells and scents of packed goods can be preserved and protected with the help of multi-layer coextruded films, which offer a variety of qualities and functionalities that are unique to them. COACE brings you an exploration of the different ways in which multi-layer coextruded films help to the preservation of food flavor and aroma in packaging. These approaches include barrier qualities, protection from light, controlled atmosphere, and active packaging solutions.



There is a significant contribution that the barrier qualities of multi-layer coextruded films make to the preservation of the flavor and aroma of food. Multiple layers, each of which serves a distinct function, are incorporated into the design of these films. The inner layers serve as barriers that prevent oxygen, moisture, and other gasses from going through to the outside. It is possible to retain the natural flavors and fragrances of packaged goods by using multi-layer coextruded films. These films work by reducing the amount of oxygen that enters the product, which can cause oxidation and flavor loss.

La protezione della luce

When certain meals are exposed to light, particularly ultraviolet (UV) radiation, it can have a negative impact on the flavor and scent of certain items. It is possible to include UV-blocking layers into multi-layer coextruded films, which offer protection against dangerous light wavelengths. These films help maintain the photosensitive compounds that are responsible for the distinctive smells and odors characteristic of light-sensitive food products by decreasing the amount of light that is transmitted through them.


Packaging with a Controlled Atmosphere (called CAP)

The term “controlled atmosphere packaging” (CAP) refers to a production method that involves altering the chemical make-up of the gases that surround the food that is being packaged. Creating a regulated environment within the package can be accomplished through the use of multi-layer coextruded films that can be specifically developed. The flavor and aroma of food can be preserved with the help of this method by reducing the amount of deterioration that is caused by oxygen and other gases. It is possible to achieve CAP by adding gas barrier layers into the structure of the film. This will enable exact control of the gas composition, which will allow for optimal taste and aroma conditions to be maintained consistently.

Packaging Solutions That Are Active

Active packaging is a term that describes the incorporation of active agents or components into the material that makes up the packaging in order to actively interact with the food that is being packaged. Films that are coextruded in many layers have the ability to integrate active components that enable the preservation of food flavor and aroma. Oxygen scavengers, which remove oxygen from the packaging, and ethylene absorbers, which moderate the effects of ethylene, a ripening hormone that can hasten flavor and aroma changes, are two examples of the types of substances that can be used. The shelf life of food products can be effectively extended by the use of active packaging technologies, which allow for the preservation of the optimal flavor characteristics.


Ability to Selectively Permeate

The selective permeability of film coestrusi multistrato can be created to allow for the regulated exchange of gases between the packed food and its surroundings. This is made possible through the use of engineering techniques. The presence of this selective permeability contributes to the preservation of the equilibrium of volatile flavor and aroma molecules inside the delivery system. Multi-layer coextruded films assist retain the delicate balance of flavors and fragrances by limiting the permeation rates of specific gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. This ensures that consumers have a high-quality sensory experience throughout their consumption of the product.


There are a variety of capabilities that can be offered by multi-layer coextruded films, which help to the preservation of food flavor and aroma in packaging. By virtue of their barrier qualities, light protection, controlled atmosphere packaging, active packaging solutions, and selective permeability, these films contribute to the preservation of the natural flavors and fragrances that are present in packed foods. By utilizing multi-layer coextruded films, food makers are able to guarantee that consumers will have the desired sensory experience, thereby improving both the quality of the product and the level of satisfaction experienced by consumers. As film technology continues to evolve, there will be more improvements made to the preservation of food flavor and aroma, which will provide the food packaging industry with creative options.



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