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Correct use of compatibilizer

Another name for compatibilizer is compatibilizer. The compatibility of various polymers is the key to plastic blending, modification, and alloying, and achieving good compatibility is achieved by adding the right quantity of a compatibilizer. It is crucial to understand how to choose the compatibilizer properly, maximize the performance of various components, and avoid product failure during final usage.

The compatibilizer may be classified into two types: non-reactive compatibilizer and reactive compatibilizer, depending on how the matrix polymers interact with one another.

compatibilizer without reaction

In the context of mixing polymers, non-reactive compatibilizers are defined as copolymers without reactive genes and not taking part in chemical processes.

From a structural perspective, block copolymers, graft copolymers, or random copolymers, such EAA, EEA, EVA, CPE, SEBS, etc., make up the majority of non-reactive compatibilizers. But more of this type of compatibilizer has to be added.

dynamic compatibilizer

The reactive compatibilizer primarily increases compatibility by forming a chemical link with the raw polymer during mixing through its own reactive group.

It typically belongs to the macromolecular class, and its active functional group might be either on the side chain or at the end of the molecule. At least one macromolecular matrix in the mix system can share its macromolecular main chain or have a separate one. Its macromolecular main chain, however, ought to be more compatible with at least one polymer matrix in the mix system under varied conditions.

This type of compatibilizer has the benefit of having a high action efficiency and requiring little addition. The drawback is that both the side reaction and the necessary mixing conditions have high requirements.

principal classes and variations

Type I Cyclic Anhydride (MAH)

The most popular kind of reactive compatibilizers right now are those of the cyclic anhydride type. Maleic anhydride, which is grafted on polyolefin compatibilizers at a rate of typically 0.8% to 1.0%, is one of them and is mostly used to modify polyolefin plastics. It is a maleic anhydride-grafting copolymerization compatibilizer that uses PS as the basis or grafts maleic anhydride onto PS. It may be used to modify, mix, or alloy PA/PC, ABS/GF, and PA/ABS. The usual dose is between 5% and 8%.

Type 2 carboxylic acid

The acrylic type compatibilizer stands in for carboxylic acids as a product. The usage of acrylic acid is similar to that of maleic anhydride and often involves grafting it onto polyolefin resin.

type 03 Epoxy

By grafting and copolymerizing epoxy resins or compounds with epoxy groups and other polymers, epoxy reactive compatibilizers are created. A good compatibilizing effect may be achieved by this form of reactive compatibilizer. Small additions of Nordson reactive compatibilizer NX-001, between 2% and 4%, can significantly increase compatibility.

04 Oxazoline Type 

With a grafting rate of 1%, PS Grafted with Oxazoline, or RPS, is a Relatively Important Compatibilizer. It is distinguished by a broad variety of uses and has the ability to generate graft copolymers through reactions with carbonyl, anhydride, and epoxy groups in addition to conventional amino or carboxyl-containing polymers. In PS, other technical plastics, or modified polyolefin resins, it can thus be employed. Additionally, it can be "in situ" compatibilized for immediate application in alloying, blending, and plastic modification.

type 05 Imide 

The imide type of polyacrylate, which has undergone modification, is mostly appropriate for engineering plastic alloys or blends like PA/PO, PC/PO, and PA/PC.

06 Type of isocyanate

M-isopropenyl-2,2-dimethylbenzoyl isocyanate is the composition. It may be applied to engineering polymeric alloys that have carboxyl and amino groups.

 Type 07 Molecular

Low-molecular-weight compatibilizers are reactive compounds that react with other compounds to form organic and inorganic compounds of plastic alloys. They are based on reactive monomers and low-molecular-weight polymers. Some of these compounds can be compatible with one component of the plastic synthesis process.

In this approach, not only is the production of plastic composites streamlined, but the cost and accessibility of the raw materials are also greatly reduced. The utilization of a mixing extruder is a crucial component in the manufacturing of low molecular compatibilizers, despite the comparatively high extruder requirements.

Where is a compatibilizer

 01 plastic alloy needed?

In order for the blend material to achieve high performance and functional impact, the compatibilizer plays a very important role in regulating and managing the micro phase structure of the alloy technology. In PP/PE, PP/PA, PA/PS, PA/ABS, ABS/PC, PBT/PA, PET/PA, PP/POE, PE/EPDM, TPE/PU, and other alloys, compatibilizers are often employed.

02 Modification of polymers

The compatibilizer is converted into a polar polymer and then combined with a polar polymer because it functions as a "bridge" between non-polar and polar polymers by acting as an active free radical molecular carboxyl group. mixing and responding to create an excellent modified blending effect.

03Recycling plastic garbage

A more effective and practical method of "inclusive comprehensive utilization" that may address the issue of "white pollution" and produce new plastic alloys or modified plastics from recycled waste plastics has significant economic and social advantages. There are other examples from other nations.

A unique compatibilizer for recycling waste plastics, for instance, is the BENNET compatibilizer made by Dutch * Mining Company. Olefin plastics and engineering plastic scraps are combined and renewed, a 5%–10% compatibilizer is added as the interface layer between the sea phase and the island phase, the compatibilizer's bonding force and the effectiveness of polar compatibilizing groups are exerted, and a new plastic alloy or modified plastic is prepared.


04combining fillers and plastics

Also known as a macromolecular coupling agent, compatibilizer. The compatibilizer has great coupling efficiency between plastics and fillers and may be used for coupling treatments like PE/CaCO3, PE/talcum powder, PA/GF, etc. since it has a high molecular portion that is compatible with high molecular polymers.

05 Polar resin toughening

Thermoplastic elastomer may be used as a toughening agent for PP, PE, PS, PA, and other plastics by adding a particular quantity of compatibilizer. It has good flexibility, high elasticity, and low temperature performance. The "core" and "shell" phase of these tougheners that is most important is the compatibilizer. For instance, at a temperature of -45°C, MAH grafted EPDM toughening agent may preserve outstanding physical qualities and toughness. In general, 5% to 10% is prescribed.

06Enhance additional plastics characteristics

Compatibilizers can also be used to enhance the adhesion, antistatic, printability, and gloss of plastics.

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