Un'impresa high-tech che integra R&S, produzione e vendita di materiali polimerici, specializzata in R&S, produzione, vendita e assistenza di compatibilizzanti e tenacizzanti per plastica.
Impedendo a gas come l'ossigeno, l'anidride carbonica e il vapore acqueo di penetrare nella pellicola, questi rivestimenti sono destinati a proteggere gli alimenti per ...
Packaging film’s barrier qualities are significantly influenced by adhesives, which play a significant part in the process.
Interlayer adhesives are a key component in the production of multilayer films for food packaging.
By providing material efficiency, waste reduction, a smaller carbon footprint, recyclability, and food preservation, multilayer coextruded films play a vital role in the development of sustainable packaging solutions.
Grazie alla resistenza al calore, alla sicurezza alimentare, alle caratteristiche di praticità, alla compatibilità con il mercato e alla sostenibilità, i film coestrusi multistrato hanno il potenziale per essere utilizzati per il confezionamento di alimenti a microonde.
Businesses must take into consideration a number of factors, one of which is the cost comparison between multi-layer coextruded films and other various types of packaging materials.
When it comes to the packaging of food, the employment of multi-layer coextruded films offers a multitude of benefits across a variety of components of the packaging process.
Adhesives improve the film’s impermeability and remove leakage routes by fostering strong interlayer adhesion.
By increasing material compatibility, decreasing waste, increasing recyclability, and facilitating resource efficiency, medium barrier film compatibilizers are essential to the packaging industry’s progress toward sustainability.