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I film coestrusi multistrato sono una soluzione di imballaggio sostenibile per l'industria alimentare?

It is due to the versatility, functionality, and capacity to protect and preserve food goods that multilayer coextruded films have earned a great amount of favour in the food business. On the other hand, many people have expressed their concerns about the long-term viability of these films. A complete and multidimensional investigation of the sustainability features of multilayer coextruded films as a packaging solution for the food sector is the goal of the COACE project, which intends to deliver this comprehensive analysis. It investigates everything from a variety of perspectives, such as the selection of materials, the possibilities of recycling, the influence on the environment, and prospective alternatives.


Material Selection

a. Barrier qualities: Multilayer coextruded films are made up of multiple layers, each of which serves a specific role, such as having barrier qualities, being strong, and being able to seal. These films have the ability to considerably extend the shelf life of food goods, hence minimising the amount of food that is wasted. This is accomplished by utilising materials that have excellent barrier qualities, such as ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) or polyamide (PA).

b. Lightweighting: When compared to single-layer films, multilayer films typically permit the use of thinner layers, which results in reductions in both the amount of necessary material and the amount of weight. Through the reduction of the amount of raw materials that are required and the reduction of emissions associated to transportation, this lightweighting characteristic has the potential to contribute to sustainability.

c. Compatibility of Materials: When selecting materials for multilayer coextruded films, compatibility should be taken into consideration in order to provide sustainable recycling and effective waste management. For the purpose of facilitating the separation and recycling of individual materials at the conclusion of the product’s life cycle, compatibility between the various layers is essential.


Economy based on recycling and circularity

One of the obstacles that arises in the process of recycling film coestrusi multistrato is the complexity of their composition, which makes recycling these films difficult. It is possible that the several layers, which are frequently composed of various polymers, will make it more difficult to effectively separate and recycle the components. Furthermore, the presence of adhesives or coatings can make the recycling process much more difficult to accomplish.

b. Developments in Recycling Technologies: Researchers and industry stakeholders are actively working on creating innovative recycling technologies in order to meet the issues that are involved with recycling multilayer film. Chemical recycling, compatibilization, and mechanical recycling are examples of processes that have shown promise in terms of their ability to facilitate the effective recovery of resources.

b. The Circular Economy strategy: When putting into practice a circular economy strategy, it is necessary to design packaging with end-of-life concerns in mind. The creation of multilayer films that are either completely recyclable or biodegradable has the potential to contribute to the building of a packaging system that is more environmentally friendly.


Impact on the Environment

a. Life Cycle Assessments (LCA): LCAs examine the environmental impact of packaging throughout its entire life cycle, which includes the extraction of raw materials, manufacture, transportation, usage, and end-of-life scenarios. Using life cycle assessments (LCAs), one can gain insights into the overall sustainability of multilayer coextruded films, which can assist identify areas that could want improvement.

b. Energy Efficiency: The technique of multilayer coextrusion has further developed in order to optimise the amount of energy that is consumed during the manufacturing process. Gains in energy efficiency can be achieved by the use of advanced equipment and process innovations, which can have the effect of reducing the environmental impact that is connected with film production.

By prolonging the shelf life of perishable products, the barrier qualities of multilayer coextruded films assist to the reduction of food waste. This is accomplished by increasing the shelf life of the products. When conducting an assessment of the overall sustainability of packaging solutions, it is important to take into account the environmental benefits that result from the reduction of food waste.

Possibilities for Alternatives

a. Monomaterial Films: Monomaterial films, which are manufactured from a single type of polymer, are growing in popularity as a possible alternative to multilayer coextruded films. These films have better recyclability and make it easier to separate different types of materials.

b. Bio-based Films: Bio-based films, because they are made from renewable materials, have the potential to be a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional films. The use of these films can assist in lowering carbon footprints and reducing dependency on materials derived from fossil fuels.

c. Active Research Areas: The current research is centred on the development of novel materials and technologies, such as biodegradable films, edible films, and bio-composites, which have the potential to provide environmentally friendly alternatives to multilayer coextruded films.


A problem that is both complicated and constantly developing is the question of whether or not multilayer coextruded films may be used as a packaging solution for the food sector. It is necessary to address the environmental impact of these films as well as the issues that they present when it comes to recycling, despite the fact that they serve crucial tasks in preserving and protecting food goods. A continuation of research and development efforts is necessary in order to enhance the recyclability of multilayer coextruded films, as well as the selection of materials and the overall sustainability of these films. An additional factor that might contribute to the development of a food packaging system that is more environmentally friendly is the investigation of alternative packaging materials and technologies. It is possible for the food sector to attempt to develop more environmentally friendly packaging solutions by using a holistic approach that takes into account the selection of materials, the possibilities of recycling, and the influence on the environment.

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