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Applicazione del film POE coestruso nei moduli fotovoltaici ad alta potenza


The encapsulating film, a crucial part of photovoltaic modules, acts as a barrier between the cells and the glass or backsheet, preventing water vapor from entering the cells and providing protection. Indicators including the film’s light transmittance, volume resistivity, weather resistance, and PID resistance are critical to the solar modules’ operational life and power production efficiency.

The growing need for cleaner and more sustainable energy sources has led to an increase in demand for high-power photovoltaic (PV) modules in recent years. An important consideration when selecting encapsulant materials for these modules is how to optimize their durability and efficiency. One such material, co-extruded polyolefin elastomer (POE) film, has drawn a lot of interest from the solar sector. This article examines the use of co-extruded POE film in high-power solar modules and the advantages it offers in terms of efficiency, dependability, and affordability.


Performance Advantages

Co-extruded POE film is a great option for high-power PV modules since it provides a number of performance advantages. First of all, its exceptional transparency ensures that the solar cells get the most light possible. Higher total power production and improved energy conversion efficiency are the results of this. The film also has outstanding weatherability, demonstrating remarkable resilience to moisture, heat stress, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This guards against encapsulant deterioration or yellowing over time and guarantees long-term performance stability. Additionally, POE film’s low refractive index lessens sunlight reflection, enhancing light absorption and lowering optical losses.

Dependability and Sturdiness

PV modules depend heavily on reliability to function, particularly under challenging environmental circumstances. Because of its remarkable longevity, co-extruded POE film is a great choice for high-power solar applications. Because of the film’s higher resistance to moisture, there is less chance of water seeping in and hotspots forming, which can cause module deterioration and lower power output. Moreover, the outstanding adherence qualities it possesses provide a robust adhesion between the film and the solar cells, guaranteeing the latter’s long-term integrity and safeguarding against any delamination problems. Co-extruded POE film’s durability enables longer module lifespans and improved dependability under varied operating circumstances.


Increased Production Effectiveness

Co-extruded POE film has benefits for manufacturing efficiency, which helps make the production of PV modules more affordable. Its ability to work with both older, slower lamination methods and more recent, quicker production processes—like roll-to-roll processing—simplifies the encapsulation process and speeds up throughput by cutting cycle times. Furthermore, the film’s outstanding dimensional stability and capacity to adhere to intricate module designs allow for a smooth integration into various module architectures. These features facilitate production and enable producers to more effectively supply the rising demand for high-power photovoltaic modules.

Environmental Aspects to Take into Account

One of the most important factors in the PV sector is sustainability. Because film POE coestruso is devoid of dangerous substances like halogens and heavy metals, it supports this goal. By doing this, possible environmental hazards are removed from the production process as well as the module’s lifetime of use. In addition, the film’s recyclable nature makes it possible to recover and use resources, promoting the circular economy and lowering waste production.


High-power photovoltaic modules that use co-extruded POE film provide a number of benefits in terms of efficiency, dependability, affordability, and environmental impact. Its exceptional weatherability, high transparency, and durability extend the life and efficiency of PV modules, and its compatibility with a range of manufacturing techniques simplifies production. Co-extruded POE film stands out as a viable encapsulant material for high-power photovoltaic modules, accelerating the evolution of solar energy technology towards a more sustainable future as the need for clean energy grows.

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