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Applicazione del film POE coestruso nei moduli fotovoltaici ad alta potenza

High-power solar modules are becoming more and more in demand as a result of the ongoing growth and development of photovoltaic technology. As a novel kind of solar film material, co-extruded POE (polyethylene-polyester co-extruded) film offers special qualities and benefits.

Features of POE film that is co-extruded

The following exceptional qualities of co-extruded POE film:
a) Superior mechanical qualities Co-extruded POE film retains strong stability and durability, has outstanding elasticity and flexibility, and can tolerate stress in high humidity, temperature, and severe environmental conditions.

b) Outstanding electrical qualities: The film enhances the electrical performance and security of solar modules by having low resistivity and good electrical insulation qualities. It can also effectively thwart current leakage and arc discharge.

c) High transparency: The film POE coestruso has a high level of transparency, which may be used to increase photoelectric conversion efficiency and the light absorption efficiency of solar modules.


Benefits of using EPE film in high-power solar modules

The following benefits of co-extruded POE film are shown in high-power solar modules:

a) Anti-PID performance: The superior anti-PID (electrical induction damage) properties of co-extruded POE film may effectively minimize energy loss and current leakage, therefore enhancing the stability and performance of solar modules.

b) Outstanding weather resistance: UV radiation, high temperatures, and humidity may all cause co-extruded POE film to deteriorate, and it can do so over an extended period of time while maintaining stability and functionality.

c) Simple to process and install: Co-extruded photovoltaic film is easily processed and plasticized, can be easily adapted to fit a variety of solar modules in terms of size and form, and can be installed quickly and effectively.

Challenges in using co-extruded POE film

Despite the various benefits of co-extruded POE film, there are still several difficulties in the application process:
Cost-related factors: Co-extruded POE film manufacturing costs can be somewhat costly, therefore in real-world applications, trade-offs and an economic analysis are necessary.

b) Bonding performance: In order to increase overall performance, it is vital to guarantee effective bonding with other component materials. The surface and bonding qualities of co-extruded POE film are critical to the manufacture and dependability of components.

c) Durability: To guarantee co-extruded POE film’s dependability and stability in real-world applications, more testing and investigation are needed to determine how long the film will last under severe environmental conditions and prolonged use.
Co-extruded POE film’s potential advancement in high-power solar modules:
Co-extruded POE film has enormous development potential for use in high-power photovoltaic modules in the future. The need for renewable energy sources is growing, and solar modules’ power and efficiency standards are rising along with it. Co-extruded POE film is a novel material that can satisfy high-power photovoltaic modules’ needs for stability, weather resistance, and electrical performance.


The following areas can be the focus of future study and development

a) Material improvement: To satisfy the requirements of higher power solar modules, the co-extruded POE film’s mechanical, weather-resistant, and optical qualities will be further enhanced by refining the formula and preparation method.

b) Interface optimization: To raise the overall component’s dependability and performance, investigate and enhance the bonding and interface compatibility between co-extruded POE film and other component materials.

c) Sustainability and environmental protection: To lessen the negative effects on the environment and promote sustainable development, environmentally friendly materials are utilized in the co-extrudded POE film application and production processes.


In summary, co-extruded POE film has a wide range of application opportunities as a novel material in high-power solar modules. The superior mechanical, electrical, and transparent qualities of this material render it perfect for enhancing the efficiency and dependability of solar power modules. Still, there are certain application-related issues that need to be investigated and resolved. Co-extruded POE film is anticipated to find further uses in the future and significantly contribute to the creation of high-power photovoltaic modules through ongoing technical innovation and process optimization.

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