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10° anniversario ▏ Dieci anni insieme, per dare forma a un brillante futuro insieme

Ten years of peers·Sail the dream

Ten years ago, we jointly sowed the seeds of our dreams and cultivated the fertile soil of Coace. Day after day, year after year, those once dreams have now taken root and sprouted, blossomed and beared fruit.

Looking back ten years, Coace has gone through a journey full of challenges and growth. From the initial stage of entrepreneurship to the current scale, every step is engraved with our hard work and determination to keep moving forward.

In the past ten years, we have passed one milestone after another together with our partners and created countless stories of success and joy. We believe that these ten years are just a starting point in our development process, and there are more opportunities and challenges waiting for us to explore in the future.


Ten years of peers·Sail the dream

Ten years ago, we jointly sowed the seeds of our dreams and cultivated the fertile soil of Coaces. Day after day, year after year, those once dreams have now taken root and sprouted, blossomed and beared fruit.

Looking back ten years, Coace has gone through a journey full of challenges and growth. From the initial stage of entrepreneurship to the current scale, every step is engraved with our hard work and determination to keep moving forward.

In the past ten years, we have passed one milestone after another together with our partners and created countless stories of success and joy. We believe that these ten years are just a starting point in our development process, and there are more opportunities and challenges waiting for us to explore in the future.



“Ten years of friendship, young and successful”

Ten years have gone by in a flash of time. In the whirlwind of time, we have gone through numerous ups and downs and turning points. But with the storm and rain, we become more persistent because of our unwavering conviction and boundless excitement. We have cooperated and shared good times and bad along the road.

Coace has been around for 10 years, during which time we have upheld the principle of “constant product, refinement, and globalization” to raise the caliber of our goods and services. The staff is expanding as well, adding new talents and expertise.

The youth of the future, in our opinion, has just begun.


“The future can be anticipated, thanks to our shared growth.”

However, every advancement made by Coace cannot be separated from the tenacity and unity of every employee. You are the pride and priceless riches of Coaces, and your expertise and commitment are the foundation of its success.

Here, we sincerely value your presence, your work, and your commitment. Your grins and sweat are Coace’s primary sources of inspiration.


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