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How Food Packaging Films Keep Food Fresh?

When it comes to maintaining the quality and freshness of food goods, food packaging films are an extremely important component. The purpose of these films is to offer a barrier of protection against external elements that have the potential to deteriorate food, such as oxygen, moisture, light, and bacteria. The purpose of this article is to investigate the myriad of ways in which food packaging films contribute to the preservation of food’s freshness. The mechanisms that are responsible for oxygen and moisture barrier qualities, light protection, antimicrobial activity, and new packaging solutions that increase shelf life and promote food safety are investigated in this study.

Having Oxygen-Blocking Capabilities

The formation of an efficient barrier against oxygen is one of the key functions that food packaging films are designed to perform. The presence of oxygen can result in oxidation, which is responsible for the deterioration of nutrients, off-flavors, and spoiling of food. It is possible to prevent oxygen from penetrating the packaged food by using packaging films that have high oxygen barrier qualities. Some examples of such films include metallized films and films that include oxygen scavengers. It is possible to construct an impermeable barrier using metallized films by employing a thin layer of metal, which is often aluminium. On the other hand, oxygen scavengers actively absorb oxygen within the package, so ensuring that the environment remains low in oxygen. Because of these barrier features, the rate of oxidation is greatly slowed down, which facilitates the preservation of food for extended periods of time.


Protection against Moisture Properties

In food packaging, moisture control is of the utmost importance since an excessive amount of moisture can encourage the growth of microorganisms, speed up the process of deterioration, and create changes in the texture of food products. Packaging films that have high moisture barrier qualities, such as those that have moisture absorbers or desiccants, are able to assist in maintaining the optimum amounts of moisture within the package. These additives are able to absorb excess moisture, which helps to prevent condensation and inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Food packaging films help to preserve the texture, flavour, and general quality of the food that is packaged by regulating the amount of moisture that is present in the food.

The protection of light

It is possible for food components, such as vitamins, pigments, and flavours, to deteriorate when they are exposed to light, particularly ultraviolet (UV) light. Food packaging films consisting of light protection qualities, such as ultraviolet (UV) absorbers or opaque layers, prevent the food that is packaged from being exposed to potentially hazardous light. UV absorbers are able to take in ultraviolet energy and transform it into heat that is completely safe, so eliminating photochemical reactions that can lead to a decline in quality. The presence of opaque layers prevents light from passing through them, so offering an additional layer of defence against degradation caused by light. It is possible to preserve the sensory and nutritional properties of the packed food with the assistance of these light protection techniques.

Activity against microorganisms

There is the potential for food packaging films to integrate antimicrobial compounds, which can limit the growth of diseases and bacteria that cause spoiling. In addition to being applied as coatings, these agents can be directly incorporated into the film matrix. Through the reduction of microbial contamination and the inhibition of the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and moulds, antimicrobial packaging films have the potential to assist in the maintenance of a longer shelf life for food goods. Antimicrobial agents that are naturally occurring, such as essential oils or organic acids, are frequently utilised in order to preserve the quality of food without the need for extra preservatives. Through their ability to prevent the growth of microorganisms that cause spoiling, these packaging films help to ensure that food remains fresh and safe for ingestion.

Technologies of Packaging That Are Innovative

Innovative food packaging films have been developed as a result of advancements in packaging technology. These films further increase the shelf life of food and enhance the freshness of food. Active packaging systems are designed to improve the preservation of food by incorporating components that interact with either the food itself or the environment of the box. One example of this is modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), which includes altering the composition of the gas contained within the container in order to provide an atmosphere that is ideal for the particular food product being manufactured. Through the removal of air from the package, hoover packing reduces the growth of organisms that are dependent on oxygen for their decomposition. In order to enable consumers and retailers to make educated decisions regarding the freshness of food, intelligent packaging integrates sensors, indicators, or freshness indicators that provide information in real time about the state of the food that is packaged.


Through the provision of barrier characteristics against oxygen and moisture, protection against light-induced deterioration, incorporation of antibacterial activity, and use of novel packaging methods, food packaging films play an essential part in the preservation of food’s freshness. In the modern food industry, it is absolutely necessary for these films to have the capacity to maintain the quality of food, to increase the shelf life of food, and to guarantee food safety. With the continued development of technology, the creation of innovative packaging materials and systems will further improve the freshness and quality of packaged food. This will contribute to a reduction in the amount of food that is wasted and an increase in the level of satisfaction experienced by consumers.

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