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How Do Adhesives Contribute to the Barrier Properties of Packaging Film?

When it comes to increasing the shelf life of a variety of items and maintaining their quality, packaging films are an extremely important component. When it comes to preserving the freshness of the product, the barrier capabilities of these films are absolutely necessary. These films keep oxygen, moisture, and other pollutants from entering the goods. The adhesives that are utilized in the manufacturing process of packaging films provide a substantial contribution to the barrier qualities of these films. In this article, the various ways in which adhesives contribute to the barrier features of packaging film are discussed. These ways include the selection of adhesives, compatibility with film layers, bonding strength, and potential future developments.

The Selection of Adhesives

When it comes to generating the desired barrier qualities in packaging film, the selection of adhesive is of the utmost importance. It is preferable to use adhesives that have excellent barrier qualities, such as low rates of oxygen and moisture transmission. The barrier qualities of various types of adhesives, such as those that are solvent-based, water-based, or hot-melt adhesives, can vary significantly from one another. Manufacturers take great care in selecting adhesives, taking into consideration the particular requirements of the packaging application, in order to guarantee the best possible barrier performance.

Film Layers Compatibility with the Method

It is common practice to laminate numerous layers together with adhesives in order to produce a barrier film structure. For the purpose of ensuring adequate bonding and preserving the integrity of the barrier, the adhesive must demonstrate compatibility with the film layers they are applied to. When choosing adhesives, it is important to take into account a number of factors, including the composition, surface energy, and thickness of the film layers. When it comes to achieving effective barrier qualities, adhesives that are capable of forming strong bindings with various types of films, such as polyester, polyethylene, or polypropylene, are absolutely necessary.


Strength of the Bonding

A considerable influence on the barrier qualities of packaging film is exerted by the bonding strength between the layers of different films. For the purpose of preventing delamination and preserving the structural integrity of the film, adhesives need to establish bindings that are both strong and long-lasting. It is essential that the adhesive be able to cope with the stress that occurs during the manufacturing, transportation, and storage processes. By limiting the formation of gaps or channels that could undermine the barrier qualities, a strong bond guarantees that the film will not be damaged and will continue to show its original integrity.

Security of the Seal

Not only do adhesives contribute to the interlayer bonding of packaging film, but they also contribute to the sealing integrity of packaged goods. When it comes to preserving the barrier properties of the package, seals are absolutely necessary. Hermetic seals are created by adhesives that are employed in heat-sealing applications. These adhesives prevent oxygen, moisture, and impurities from entering the system. When it comes to maintaining the product’s freshness and extending its shelf life, the ability of the adhesive to create a trustworthy and secure seal is of the utmost importance.


Things to Take Into Account for Particular Applications

There are a variety of applications for packaging that call for particular barrier qualities. It is necessary to modify adhesives in order to fulfill these particular needs. For instance, the barrier qualities that are required for food packaging may be different from those required for pharmaceutical packaging. Food packaging adhesives are required to meet with stringent food safety rules in order to guarantee that they do not contain any potentially hazardous ingredients. It may be necessary for pharmaceutical packaging to have improved barrier characteristics in order to safeguard delicate pharmaceuticals against atmospheric oxygen and moisture. Choosing the appropriate adhesive is essential in order to fulfill these application-specific requirements.


Packaging film’s barrier qualities are significantly influenced by adhesives, which play a significant part in the process. Achieving successful barrier performance requires a number of key elements to be taken into consideration, including the selection of appropriate adhesives, the compatibility of those adhesives with film layers, bonding strength, and seal integrity. The ongoing development of adhesive technology is driving advances in barrier qualities, which in turn offer greater protection and an extended shelf life for products that are packaged. The packaging industry is well positioned to develop adhesive solutions that are even more effective and ecologically friendly in order to fulfill the ever-changing demands of the market. This will be accomplished by taking into consideration specific application requirements and via the adoption of sustainable practices.
COACE’s W1L is a material that is based on polyethylene and has been grafted with MAH. This grafting process adds polarity to the chain that is otherwise non-polar.



In the case of polar materials and non-polar materials, the side group functions as a bonding agent. Within composite films made of polypropylene, polyolefin, and nylon, W1L has the potential to serve as a connecting component. The adhesion between the base resin and the functional layer resin is significantly improved by the amino reaction that occurs between MAH and nylon. This reaction has been evaluated and approved by the FDA. COACE has been awarded the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification and the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification. Additionally, the company has been rated as a National High-tech Enterprise, Xiamen High-tech Enterprise, and Xiamen Science and Technology Little Giant. Additionally, the company has obtained a number of patents and a number of certifications for its intellectual property management system. In addition, through the registration with the EU REACH and the pre-registration with the Korea K-REACH.In addition, COACE offers options for packaging!

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