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Qu'est-ce que le film POE pour le photovoltaïque ? En quoi est-il meilleur que l'EVA ?

With advancements in photovoltaic technology, double-glass solar modules have grown significantly in the last several years. Double-glass modules, as opposed to conventional single-glass modules, use photovoltaic glass in place of backsheets, significantly enhancing the module’s resilience to water vapor, corrosion, fire, and sand-proof wear. The application range of solar photovoltaic modules has been enlarged by the use of double-glass modules, which have a specific amount of light transmittance and can be used for general buildings and agricultural/fishery light complementation.


Double-glass modules are more advantageous than single-glass modules.

Firstly, there is no need to worry about water vapor entering the module and causing the EVA layer to hydrolyze because glass has almost negligible water vapor transmission. This is particularly appropriate for photovoltaic power plants in humid environments like coastal and riverbank locations;

Second, glass is resistant to wear, weather, and corrosion, making it suitable for use in environments that frequently experience acid rain, salt spray, and sandstorms;

Third, double-glass modules now have a higher fire protection standard, which qualifies them for places like factories and residential structures where fire threats must be avoided;

Fourth, the components can withstand greater system voltages due to the high insulation of glass, which lowers the power plant’s system costs.

Currently, EVA and POE films are the most common encapsulating films used for double-glass modules. EVA film is a copolymer made of ethylene and vinyl acetate. Its low melting point, excellent fluidity, great transparency, and sophisticated lamination technique are its advantages. At the moment, it serves as the primary material for double-glass component packing.



However, edge sealing is necessary when using EVA film on double-glass components because of the film’s low strength, high water vapor transmission and absorption rates, and poor weather resistance. Even yet, during regular operation, water vapor will still seep through the film, atomizing it and lowering the module’s power output and light transmittance.

POE is a copolymer of ethylene and octene. Using metallocene as a catalyst, a novel class of polyolefin thermoplastic elastomer was created with a restricted distribution of comonomers, a narrow relative molecular weight distribution, and a controlled structure.

POE films come in two varieties at the moment. One is a non-crosslinked polyolefin encapsulating material that combines a number of functional polymers to achieve the necessary levels of heat resistance and adhesion without the need of cross-linking agents. Represented by Dow Chemical’s ENLIGHT encapsulating material; the other is a cross-linked polyolefin encapsulating material including peroxide cross-linking agent or silane cross-linking agent and tackifier. This type of adhesive film offers several benefits in terms of manufacturing technology and workflow. Similar to EVA film.

The primary benefits of POE film over EVA film are its low water vapor transfer rate and high volume resistivity, which guarantee the long-term aging resistance and safety of components in high-temperature and high-humidity conditions, hence extending their useful life. In particular, POE film performs better than EVA film in the following ways:

1. POE film is a copolymer of ethylene and octene. Its chemical chain contains fewer tertiary carbon atoms and a saturated fatty chain structure. POE film exhibits superior aging resistance compared to EVA film due to its strong resilience to weather, UV aging, heat, and low temperatures.

2. By carrying out modification procedures such as photo-grafting of polar monomers, plasma surface treatment or reactive graft modification on POE, the adhesion between the POE film and glass, backplane and other materials can be improved, with an outstanding interface. Bonding characteristics.

3. It works well with high-efficiency double-sided batteries, which can significantly raise the battery’s conversion efficiency. It lowers the cost of electricity and boosts power generation rate when compared to standard single-sided power generation components. The components can be arranged vertically at the same time to maximize use in numerous ways.

4. POE film is more suited for double-glass modules due to its higher cohesiveness and lower water vapor transmission rate. It has a longer service life and can make double-glass modules without edge sealing.



Notwithstanding the aforementioned benefits, the existing POE film exhibits many drawbacks that impede its widespread application in component manufacturing, including limited fluidity, processing challenges, and difficulties maintaining consistency.
In order to boost the success rate of photovoltaic packaging film encapsulation, we must add appropriate photovoltaic packaging film additives (specially utilized for photovoltaic film-level hot melt adhesives).

The yield of photovoltaic panels is significantly impacted by the adhesion between solar silicon crystal panels and photovoltaic packaging films. Adding chemicals to solar packaging films is a crucial step in achieving this adherence. The yield will increase when additives are used because the film’s and the solar silicon crystal panel’s adhesion will be more effective.

High transparency, low crystal point, high grafting rate, good fluidity, and high resistivity are qualities of COACE’s R1030 additive that can extend the solar film’s service life and increase power generation efficiency!


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