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Quels sont les avantages du SEBS-g-MAH en matière de durcissement dans le PC/ABS ?

Thermoplastic polycarbonate acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, or PC/ABS, is widely utilized in a variety of industries, including electronics, automotive, and electrical. Its exceptional mechanical and thermal qualities come from a combination of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polycarbonate (PC). Nevertheless, PC/ABS has certain drawbacks, including poor elongation at break and limited impact resistance. Manufacturers frequently use a toughening agent, such as styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene-g-maleic anhydride (SEBS-g-MAH), to enhance these qualities. SEBS elastomer as a collective material,grafting MAH (Maleic anhydride ) the product has good fluidity, good temperature resistance and aging resistance. SEBS polymer is grafted with maleic anhydride. It is a compatibilizer prepared by reactive melt grafting. It can be used as a toughening agent for AS, ABS, PC and other materials.

Thermoplastic elastomer SEBS-g-MAH has a functional group called maleic anhydride (MAH). Improved adhesion and compatibility between the PC/ABS matrix and the SEBS-g-MAH toughener can be achieved by the MAH group’s reaction with the polar groups on the PC/ABS surface. The SEBS-g-MAH particles in the PC/ABS matrix may have a homogeneous distributed morphology as a result of this reaction, which can lessen the interfacial tension between the two phases.


The following are some of SEBS-g-MAH’s toughening benefits in PC/ABS:

1. Enhanced resilience to impacts

A great toughening agent that can increase PC/ABS’s resistance to impacts is SEBS-g-MAH. As stress concentrators, the SEBS-g-MAH particles absorb impact energy and release it through deformation. This deformation can stop the spread of cracks and stop the material from failing catastrophically. PC/ABS’s notched Izod impact strength can be significantly increased by the SEBS-g-MAH toughening effect, qualifying it for high-impact applications.

2. Extended length at break

The elongation at PC/ABS break can also be increased by the addition of SEBS-g-MAH. The increased deformability of the SEBS-g-MAH particles, which can elongate and flex with the matrix during tensile deformation, is the cause of this increase. Through the reduction of stress concentration around the crack tip, this toughening effect can stop the material from failing too soon.


3. Increased resilience in cold temperatures

Additionally, PC/ABS’s low-temperature impact resistance can be enhanced via SEBS-g-MAH toughening. At low temperatures, the SEBS-g-MAH particles can retain their toughness and deformability, which can help avoid brittle fracture. For applications in the automotive and aerospace industries where the material must function at low temperatures, this feature is crucial.

4. Increased melting point

Additionally, SEBS-g-MAH can increase PC/ABS’s melt strength. The PC and ABS phases may become more compatible as a result of the SEBS-g-MAH toughener, leading to a more uniform morphology and increased melt strength. This characteristic is essential for extrusion or injection molding of PC/ABS blends.

To sum up, SEBS-g-MAH is a great toughening agent for PC/ABS, giving the material better melt strength, toughness at low temperatures, elongation at break, and impact resistance. The material’s mechanical and thermal properties may be enhanced by the addition of SEBS-g-MAH due to its more homogenous shape and improved phase adhesion. These characteristics allow manufacturers to create PC/ABS parts that are both highly engineered and able to withstand the rigorous demands of a variety of industrial applications.

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