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Quels sont les facteurs clés à prendre en compte pour choisir le bon film d'emballage alimentaire ?


Maintaining product quality, guaranteeing safety, and increasing shelf life all depend on selecting the appropriate food packaging film. When making a selection, manufacturers need to take into account a number of important criteria. The important considerations that need to be made when choosing the right food packaging film are thoroughly explored by COACE. Every aspect, from ecological concerns to barrier qualities, is important in judging if a film is appropriate for a particular food product.

Product Features

While choosing the right packaging film, it is crucial to comprehend the special qualities of the food product. Take into account the following elements:

Reactivity to Moisture and Oxygen: Food products with high oxygen sensitivity, such coffee or snacks, require films with superior oxygen barrier qualities, including metallized or ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) films. Products that are sensitive to moisture, like powdered sugars or dried fruits, require films like polyamide or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that have excellent moisture barrier properties.

Requirements for Shelf Life: There are differences in the shelf lives of different food products. To properly extend shelf life, perishable goods like fresh produce or dairy products may need films with improved barriers against light, oxygen, and moisture. For better protection, multilayer or metallized sheets are frequently used.

Temperature Sensitivity: Certain food items must be heated in a microwave or processed at high temperatures. For these uses, films with high heat resistance are ideal, such as PET or polypropylene (PP) films.

Barrier Characteristics: Barrier characteristics are essential for maintaining product quality and increasing shelf life. Consider the following factors:

Oxygen Barrier: Food deterioration and spoiling can be caused by oxygen. For materials prone to oxidation, strong oxygen barrier films—such as nylon films or EVOH—are required.



Moisture Barrier: Food products’ texture, flavor, and shelf life can all be impacted by moisture. For products that are sensitive to moisture, films with superior moisture barrier qualities, like PET or oriented polypropylene (OPP) films, are perfect.

Light Barrier: Exposure to light can deteriorate nutrients and fade colors. Dairy products and other light-sensitive goods are better shielded from light by packaging films with strong light barrier qualities, such as metallized or opaque films.

Mechanical Strength and Durability

For the best handling and protection, take into account the packaging film’s mechanical strength and durability.
Puncture Resistance: Films with strong puncture resistance, like high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene films, are needed for products with sharp edges or uneven surfaces, including canned goods or frozen meals.

Tear Resistance: During handling and transit, products are kept intact by films that resist tearing, such as oriented polyethylene (OPE) or biaxially orientated polypropylene (BOPP) films.

Compatibility and Sealing Properties

The film of choice needs to work well with packaging equipment and offer trustworthy seals. Take into account the following elements:

Heat Sealability: To guarantee effective packing processes, films must possess a high degree of heat sealability. For instance, polyethylene films have superior heat sealing capabilities.

Seal Strength To stop leaks or contamination, a tight seal is essential. It is possible to ascertain whether the film is appropriate for the planned packaging use by testing its seal strength.


Conformité réglementaire

In order to guarantee customer safety, food packaging laws and standards must be followed. Think about the following elements:
Regulations Regarding Food Contact: Make that the film material you’ve selected complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including those pertaining to food contact materials established by the European Union (EU) or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Migration and Contamination:Determine whether the film may interact or migrate chemically with the food product. Make sure the film complies with migration regulations and eliminates any chance for contamination.

Sustainability Considerations

The packaging sector is becoming increasingly concerned with sustainability. Consider the following elements:
Environmental Impact: Evaluate the film’s impact on the environment by taking into account aspects like its potential to be recycled, biodegraded, or made using renewable resources. More environmentally friendly options are provided by biodegradable films manufactured of polylactic acid (PLA) or bio-based polyethylene.


Waste Reduction

Take into account the film’s ability to use downgauging, lightweighting, or recycled content to cut down on packaging waste. Attempts to reduce waste are aided by thinner films and films manufactured from recycled materials.

In conclusion, choosing the right food packaging film necessitates a careful assessment of variables such product attributes, mechanical strength, sealing capabilities, barrier qualities, regulatory compliance, and sustainability concerns. Manufacturers may guarantee the best possible package performance, product integrity, and regulatory compliance by taking these important elements into account when making decisions. Additionally, choosing the appropriate film helps to encourage sustainable packaging methods in the food business and reduce environmental effect.

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