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Quelles sont les principales propriétés barrières offertes par les films coextrudés multicouches ?

As a result of the outstanding barrier properties that they provide, multilayer coextruded films have become an indispensable component in the field of packaging. The purpose of these films is to produce a mixture of numerous layers, each of which contributes distinctive properties to improve the overall barrier performance. We are going to look into the important barrier qualities that multilayer coextruded films provide, stressing the significance of these properties in maintaining the quality, freshness, and shelf life of a variety of items.

L'obstacle de l'oxygène

Coextruded films with many layers have the ability to prevent oxygen from entering and leaving the film, which is one of the most important barrier features of these films. It is possible for oxygen to trigger oxidative reactions, which can result in the loss of flavor, changes in color, and a reduction in the amount of nutrients in food products. Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) are two examples of the types of layers that are incorporated into multilayer coextruded films. These layers have exceptionally strong oxygen barrier qualities. Through the utilization of these oxygen barrier layers, the oxygen transmission rate is greatly reduced, so safeguarding the contents of the packaging from potentially harmful amounts of oxygen exposure.


Barrière d'étanchéité

It is important to note that moisture is a significant component that can hasten the deterioration and rotting of a wide range of products, including food, pharmaceuticals, and electronic goods. The moisture barrier qualities of multilayer coextruded films are exceptional, as they prevent moisture from entering or leaving the film. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), nylon, or polypropylene (PP) are some examples of the types of layers that are utilized in these films. These layers have low water vapor transmission rates (WVTR). The functionality of the moisture barrier serves to retain the texture, crispness, and overall quality of the packaged products by reducing the amount of moisture that is absorbed or lost.

Barrier for Light Light, and more specifically ultraviolet (UV) radiation, has the potential to trigger photochemical reactions that negatively impact the quality of products that are sensitive to light. Light barrier layers are incorporated into multilayer coextruded films in order to protect the contents from potentially damaging ultraviolet rays. It is common for these layers to contain pigments or additives that either absorb or reflect ultraviolet radiation. Products including beverages, oils, and medications can have their color, flavor, nutritional content, and shelf life preserved with the use of multilayer coextruded films. This is accomplished by reducing the amount of photo-induced deterioration that occurs.

Boundary of Gas

It is possible for multilayer coextruded films to possess gas barrier qualities, which protect items from the exchange of gases that are not desired. As an illustration, carbon dioxide (CO2) has the potential to cause carbonation and spoiling in beverages that contain carbonation. By integrating gas barrier layers, such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) or polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), multilayer coextruded films are able to block the penetration of gases, so ensuring that the proper gas composition is maintained within the package.

Protection against Odors and Flavors

Coextruded films with many layers have the ability to act as a barrier against the transmission of volatile substances, so ensuring that the scent and flavor of packaged goods are maintained. Coffee, spices, and confectionary are examples of food products that include volatile flavor components that have the potential to evaporate or that are susceptible to being impacted by scents from the environment. Multilayer coextruded films help to maintain the ideal scent and flavor profiles by integrating layers that have a limited permeability to volatile substances. This helps to ensure that customers have a high-quality sensory experience.


Blockage of Chemicals

Films that are coextruded in many layers provide a chemical barrier that protects items from coming into touch with chemicals from the outside. The barrier feature is of utmost significance for products that are very susceptible to the effects of chemical interactions, such as medications and specific industrial chemicals. Through the utilization of suitable barrier layers, multilayer coextruded films are able to prevent migration or contamination from external sources, thereby guaranteeing the integrity and safety of the contents that are inside the packaging.

Mould-Resistant Barrier

By performing the function of a microbiological barrier, multilayer coextruded films have the potential to make a contribution to the maintenance of product quality. The growth of germs that can cause spoilage or pose health problems can be inhibited by these films, which can either comprise antimicrobial chemicals or utilize layers that have natural antimicrobial capabilities. The microbiological barrier feature contributes to the preservation of the freshness and safety of perishable products such as food, medications, and other such items.


Detectable and Unmistakable Obstacle

It is essential for packaging to guarantee the safety of the consumer as well as the integrity of the product. It is possible to construct multilayer coextruded films in such a way that they produce a tamper-evident barrier, which makes it visibly obvious if the package has been twisted or otherwise altered. The incorporation of layers that are resistant to ripping or delamination grants these films the ability to provide protection against unwanted access, so boosting both the trust of consumers and the security of products.


There is a large variety of critical barrier qualities that may be found in films coextrudés multicouches. These properties are extremely important in maintaining the quality, freshness, and shelf life of packaged products. These films offer comprehensive protection against a wide range of environmental elements, including but not limited to oxygen and moisture barriers, light, gas, fragrance, flavor, chemical, microbiological, and tamper-evident barriers. Packaging solutions are able to fulfill the stringent standards of industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, and electronics by utilizing the improvements in multilayer coextruded film technology. This ensures that the product remains intact and that consumers are satisfied with the product.

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