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What Are the Differences Between Maleic Anhydride Grafting and Other Methods of Modifying POE?


Polyolefin elastomers (POEs) are an important class of thermoplastic elastomers widely used in the manufacturing industry. Their mechanical and physical characteristics may be altered using a variety of techniques, though. Grafting using maleic anhydride is one such technique. The distinctions between maleic anhydride grafting and other techniques of POE modification will be covered in this article.

Grafting using maleic anhydride

A chemical modification method called maleic anhydride grafting is used to improve the compatibility of POEs with polar materials including plastics, rubber, and wood. It entails the interaction of POEs with maleic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst made of peroxide or a radical initiator. Maleic anhydride functional groups are created on the polymer chain as a result of the process, and these groups can interact with polar materials to produce strong interfacial bonds.

Maleic anhydride grafting’s key benefit is its capacity to enhance POEs’ adhesion and bonding to polar materials without impairing such materials’ mechanical capabilities. Maleic anhydride grafting does, however, have several drawbacks, such as limited efficiency, the requirement for specialist equipment, and the possibility of deterioration owing to prolonged reaction time or high temperatures.

Other Techniques for Changing POEs

1. Crosslinking

By forming covalent connections between the polymer chains, crosslinking is a technique for changing POEs. This enhances the POEs’ mechanical toughness, thermal stability, and chemical resistance. Different methods, including radiation crosslinking, peroxide crosslinking, and silane crosslinking, can be used to accomplish crosslinking. The degree of crosslinking should be carefully managed to prevent brittleness and crystallization, but crosslinking also has an impact on how processable the POEs are.

2. Blending 

Blending is a technique for improving the characteristics of POEs by combining them with other polymers, additives, or fillers. The POEs’ thermal stability, UV resistance, flame resistance, impact resistance, and other qualities can all be enhanced by the additional materials. To prevent phase separation, agglomeration, or degradation, it is important to carefully choose the additional ingredients as blending also has an impact on the POEs’ processing characteristics.

3. Plasticization 

By adding plasticizers or other softening agents, POEs may be modified to increase their flexibility, low-temperature performance, and processing qualities. The plasticizers enhance the free volume and decrease the intermolecular tensions between the polymer chains, which enables the POEs to deform readily at lower temperatures. The choice of plasticizers must be suitable with the POEs and the processing circumstances as plasticization also affects the mechanical strength, thermal stability, and solvent resistance of the POEs.


In conclusion, greffage d'anhydride maléique is a practical technique for altering POEs that enhances their bonding and adhesion with polar materials. It calls for specific tools and has several restrictions. The importance of and drawbacks associated with other POE modification techniques, including as crosslinking, mixing, and plasticization, cannot be overstated. The best approach will be chosen based on the unique characteristics, demands, and processing circumstances of the POEs and the application.




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