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What are the categories of food packaging films?

A polymer substance known as food packaging film is utilised for the purpose of wrapping food on its surface. The primary purpose of this device is to prevent and delay the deterioration of food, as well as to prevent the introduction of germs, microorganisms, and other external contaminants that are responsible for decomposition.

Classification of things

1. Film containing an inorganic antibacterial agent that is photocatalytic

Mechanism of antibacterial action: Under the influence of light, the photocatalytic antibacterial agent is mostly composed of titanium dioxide (TiO2), which has the ability to generate a significant quantity of hydroxyl radicals and oxygen free radicals on the surface. These two radicals have a powerful chemical activity, and they have the potential to bring about a wide variety of microorganisms. Therefore, it possesses antibacterial effects since it decomposes in an organic manner.
Films containing photocatalytic inorganic antibacterial agents are being applied. Photocatalytic preparations have been utilised in the packaging of food ever since they were introduced for the first time in Japan in the year 1995.


2. Antibacterial agent films made from natural and polymer substances

Materials such as natural antibacterial agent films and polymer antibacterial agent films are also examples of other types of antibacterial agent films. The process by which they hinder the reproduction of germs and perform an antibacterial role is through the interaction of charges on the molecular chains with microbes. This interaction is the mechanism by which they exert their antibacterial impact. Chitosan, sorbic acid, and curcuma root alcohol are the major ones that are utilised in the packaging of food products.

3. A film composed of a composite antibacterial agent

The effect of the composite antibacterial agent film is primarily reflected in the following particular aspects: the extension of the antibacterial cycle; the production of antibacterial properties at low concentrations; the broadening of the antibacterial spectrum; and the inhibition of a greater number of microorganisms than any single antibacterial agent film.

4. A film containing an inorganic antibacterial agent

Antibacterial agents that are made from the bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties of metals and their ions, such as silver, copper, zinc, titanium, and others, are referred to as inorganic antibacterial agents. The first time antibacterial plastic films were created utilising inorganic antibacterial agents was in the early 1980s, when Japanese scientists began adding silver compounds directly to resin. This was the first time that metal compounds were used.

Mechanism of antibacterial action: On account of the fact that inorganic antibacterial agents are dissolve contact antibacterial agents, the antibacterial effect of the film containing inorganic antibacterial agents is considered to be passive. Regarding the process by which metal ions exert their antibacterial effect, there are two possible theories.
Among these is the mechanism of the contact reaction. When germs come into contact with the metal ions that are present in the film of the inorganic antibacterial agent, the protein structure of the microorganisms is damaged. This results in the microorganisms either dying or becoming dysfunctional.

Active oxygen mechanism is one of the mechanisms. In addition to generating hydroxyl radicals and active oxygen ions, the micrometal ions that are dispersed across the surface of the inorganic antibacterial agent film have the ability to also absorb energy from the surrounding environment, activate oxygen in the air and water that has been adsorbed on the surface of the packaging film, and activate oxygen. They have powerful redox capabilities and are able to destroy the reproductive ability of bacterial cells, inhibit or kill bacteria, and create antibacterial effects with their ability to destroy bacteria.


5. Film containing an organic antibacterial agent

Mechanism of antibacterial action: The primary mechanism of action of organic antibacterial agents is to gradually enter cells by combining with anions on the surface of microbial cell membranes or by reacting with groups such as sulfhydryl groups on the cell surface. This results in the destruction of the synthesis system of proteins and cell membranes, as well as the inhibition of the reproduction of microorganisms.

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