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L'effet renforcé des adhésifs sur les propriétés de barrière aux gaz et à l'humidité des films à haute barrière

Vue d'ensemble

In many different sectors, high barrier films are utilized to shield delicate goods from moisture and gasses. Enhancing the gas and moisture barrier qualities of high barrier films is a major function of adhesives, which are vital building blocks for multilayer films. The various methods that adhesives improve gas and moisture barrier qualities are examined in this article, along with their effects on surface modification, adhesive composition, interlayer adhesion, barrier material selection, and processing conditions. Manufacturers can optimize the design and construction of high barrier films to produce superior gas and moisture barrier performance by knowing the role of adhesives.

Interlayer Cohesion

In high barrier films, adhesives play a major role in maintaining strong interlayer adhesion. The film structure may become permeable to gases and moisture due to the creation of microchannels or gaps caused by a weak interlayer link. Adhesives improve interlayer adhesion by strengthening the link between successive layers, resulting in an impenetrable barrier that is continuous. The film’s ability to withstand gas and moisture is enhanced by the adhesive, which seals gaps and blocks any leakage routes.


Selection of Barrier Materials

The choice of barrier materials for high barrier films might be influenced by adhesives. Varying degrees of adhesive compatibility are shown with different barrier materials, including ceramic coatings, aluminum oxide-coated films, and metallized films. To provide good bonding and compatibility with the selected barrier materials, adhesive selection is essential. In order to limit any potential interference with the film’s ability to act as a gas and moisture barrier, adhesives with strong chemical resistance and low permeability are desired.

Formulation for Adhesive

High barrier films’ ability to block gas and moisture can be strongly impacted by the adhesives’ formulation. Additional barrier functionality can be added to adhesive formulations by adding additives or nanoparticles that enhance the barrier. By obstructing the penetration of some gases and moisture or by generating more winding pathways for gas diffusion, these additives can improve the barrier performance even more. The overall gas and moisture barrier qualities of the film can be maximized by appropriate adhesive formulation selection and optimization.


Surface Alterations

Adhesives can help surface modification procedures to enhance high barrier films’ ability to block moisture and gas. Surface modifications that alter the surface energy and improve the film surface’s wettability include plasma treatment and corona discharge. Better bonding between the adhesive and the barrier material is encouraged by this increased surface adhesion, which enhances the effectiveness of the gas and moisture barriers. Additionally, adhesives help to apply and anchor surface coatings like silicones or fluoropolymers, which improve the film’s barrier qualities even more.


Conditions de traitement

Temperature, pressure, and curing time are examples of processing factors that can affect high barrier films’ ability to block moisture and gases. In order to optimize these processing conditions and attain the intended barrier performance, adhesives are essential. Appropriate choice of adhesive and management of processing conditions guarantee successful interlayer adhesion, full cure, and the creation of a homogeneous, flawless film structure. These elements support the film’s overall ability to keep out gases and moisture.


Due to their effects on surface modification, adhesive formulation, interlayer adhesion, barrier material selection, adhesive processing conditions, and adhesive formulation, adhesives have a major influence on the gas and moisture barrier capabilities of high barrier films. Adhesives improve the film’s impermeability and remove leakage routes by fostering strong interlayer adhesion. The efficacy of the gas and moisture barrier is further enhanced by surface modification techniques along with appropriate adhesive formulation and selection. Additionally, adhesives aid in the optimization of processing parameters, guaranteeing the development of a consistent and firmly bound film structure. Manufacturers can optimize the design and construction of high barrier films to fulfill the strict criteria for gas and moisture barrier properties in a variety of industries, such as food packaging, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and more, by understanding the role of adhesives.

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