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Additifs fonctionnels à base de silane : Une percée dans la technologie des films photovoltaïques

The solar energy business is expanding quickly, which has made it necessary for photovoltaic (PV) technology to constantly progress. The creation of silane functional additives has been hailed as a breakthrough in recent years for improving PV film performance and efficiency. The important role that silane functional additives play in PV film technology is examined by COACE.


Increased Bonding Strength and Adhesion

In the process of manufacturing PV films, one of the main obstacles is getting strong adhesion between various layers and substrates. Silane functional additives enhance the adhesive characteristics of PV films, providing a ground-breaking solution. During the curing process, the silane groups present in these compounds react with moisture to establish strong chemical interactions with the substrate. By minimizing delamination and ensuring great adherence between layers, this increased bonding strength increases the overall durability of PV modules.

Enhanced Resistance to Moisture

PV modules are frequently concerned about moisture intrusion since it can cause performance issues and even pose a safety risk. By offering a strong barrier against moisture, silane functional additives improve the moisture resistance of photovoltaic films. These additives’ silane groups go through condensation and hydrolysis processes to create a barrier that prevents water from penetrating. The longevity and dependability of PV modules are greatly increased by this moisture resistant capacity, particularly in arid and humid areas.


Enhanced Transmission of Light

In order to maximize the energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic modules, light transmission is essential. Better light transmission qualities provided by silane functional additions allow more sunlight to reach the active photovoltaic layers. The great transparency of these compounds reduces light scattering and absorption. The enhanced light transmission enhances the module’s energy production overall and enhances its low-light performance, making it more appropriate for a wider range of geographical settings.

Increased Resistance to Weathering

PV modules are subjected to a range of environmental factors, including as humidity, temperature swings, and UV radiation. Because of their remarkable resilience to weathering, silane functional additives shield PV films from deterioration brought on by external variables. Because of their chemical makeup, silane functional additives can create a crosslinked network inside the film matrix that strengthens its resilience to UV light and lessens the negative effects of extended exposure. By decreasing maintenance costs and lengthening their lifespan, this enhanced weathering resistance guarantees the PV modules’ long-term performance and dependability.

Harmony with Various Substances

A variety of components, including polymers, encapsulants, and backsheet materials, are used in the production of PV films. Silane functional additives work very well with a variety of materials that are frequently used in the business. They don’t have an adverse effect on the performance of various film formulations, such as polyolefin-based and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) films. Because of their compatibility, silane functional additives can be easily incorporated into the current PV film manufacturing processes, allowing producers to take advantage of their advantages without having to make major changes or disruptions.



With a host of advantages and advancements for the PV film industry, silane functional additives have completely changed the landscape of PV film technology. These additives have demonstrated to be a breakthrough in PV film manufacture, offering higher adhesion and bonding strength, as well as enhanced weathering resistance, optimal light transmission, and improved resistance to moisture. Their adaptability to various materials makes them even easier to use in current manufacturing processes.


Additifs fonctionnels à base de silane will be essential in improving the performance, longevity, and efficiency of PV modules as the solar energy sector expands, helping to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy source in the future. Coaces photovoltaic packaging film additives with high transparency, low crystal point and other characteristics, high grafting rate, good fluidity, high resistivity, favored by the majority of users!

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