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Silane coupling agent you don’t know

What is “a silane coupling agent”? That’s correct, silane coupling agent is a vital ingredient for the creation of premium silicone sealants, coatings, plastics, and other products, in addition to being the raw material in the photovoltaic EVA film;

The share of high-quality EVA film is also steadily rising as a result of the robust demand in the downstream solar sector and the focus placed on packaging materials by photovoltaic module manufacturers. The market share of high-quality film has also increased as a result of the adoption of double-sided cells and double-glass modules. The market for silane coupling agents keeps growing as a result of the rate rise.

A silane coupling agent is what?

A subclass of silanes containing organic functional groups are known as silane coupling agents. The silane coupling agent consists of two groups: an organic functional group that interacts with organic compounds and a hydrolyzable group that reacts with inorganic substances. It is known as a “silane coupling agent” because it may create a link between organic and inorganic molecules.

The interface of two materials with very different properties can be coupled through the silane coupling agent (also known as the “old red rope”) in order to enhance the performance of the composite material and strengthen the bonding, resulting in excellent performance and dependability. innovative composite materials.

A number of novel agents de couplage de silane have appeared one after another in recent years as a result of the promotion of research and development for diverse coupling agent products in conjunction with the ongoing development of composite materials. Their special qualities and noticeably better outcomes have encouraged their application sectors’ ongoing expansion.

Primary silane coupling agent product categories include: 1. Sulfur-containing silane coupling agents

2. The coupling agent for amino silane

3. Coupling agent made of vinyl silane

4. An agent for combining epoxy silane

5. The coupling agent methacryloxy silane

The three main areas of silane coupling agent use are as follows:

(01) Surface modification

It may significantly increase the strength, electrical conductivity, water resistance, and weather resistance of glass fiber reinforced composite materials as well as the bonding performance between glass fiber and resin.


(02)filled plastic 

The filler may be put directly to the resin or may first undergo surface treatment. It may enhance the mechanical, electrical, and weather resistance qualities of filled polymers (including rubber), as well as the dispersion and adherence of fillers in resins, the compatibility of inorganic fillers with resins, process performance, and process efficiency.

(03) Tackifier for coatings, sealants, and adhesives

It can increase their qualities like as weather resistance, water resistance, and bonding strength. The issue of some materials being unable to bind for an extended period of time can frequently be resolved by silane coupling agents. Silane coupling agents are often applied using one of three methods: directly adding them to polymer materials, adding them to adhesives, and using one as a surface treatment agent for skeletal materials. The first two techniques are superior in terms of maximizing effectiveness and cutting expenses.

Coace agent for silane

It can help different coatings adhere to metallic glass and other substrates for electroplating, among other things. It is employed in baking and coatings at room temperature. It resists hydrolysis well and does not peel off when boiled.

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