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Compatibilisateur de polyoléfines et d'alliages de polyester

Numéro de modèle : W5B

Introduction :

W5B is a graft polymer containing glycidyl ester functional group, polyolefin elastomer as matrix material, high reactivity and low residue. It serves as a reinforcing filler, boosting the end product’s strength, toughness, and impact resistance.
Élément de test Données d'essai Méthode d'essai
densité 0,92g/cm³ ASTM D792
débit de fusion(190℃/2.16kg) 10-20g/10min ASTM D1238
Teneur en groupe époxy Haut Méthode1
l'humidité ≤0.3 % Détermination rapide de l'humidité par halogène
Description des produits


Le W5B est un polymère greffé contenant un groupe fonctionnel ester glycidylique, un élastomère de polyoléfine comme matériau de matrice, une réactivité élevée et peu de résidus.

A cutting-edge and high-performance material, PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modified POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer provides superior strength, durability, and low-temperature toughness. This product is especially made to improve the mechanical qualities and functionality of different applications. It offers a wealth of benefits and advantages in a wide range of sectors thanks to its distinctive composition and cutting-edge technology.

The main purpose of the PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modified POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer is to enhance the mechanical characteristics of materials. It serves as a reinforcing filler, boosting the end product’s strength, toughness, and impact resistance. Additionally, it has outstanding low-temperature performance, guaranteeing that the material will remain strong and resilient even in extremely cold temperatures. It is the best option for applications that need high strength and low-temperature resistance because of this feature.


Un équipement de pointe !

Elle est équipée de lignes de production avancées et d'un centre d'essais expérimentaux pour garantir la qualité des produits.

Une force technique puissante !

Plus de 10 techniciens expérimentés en recherche et développement sont à l'origine d'une innovation permanente.

Support Protection après-vente



Performance comparison of W5B and imported polyester tougheners in PBT toughening

Physical index Unité Testing method 85%PBT+15%W5B Add 15% imported polyester toughener
Résistance à la traction Mpa D-638 38 38
stretch rate % D-638 60 67
Bending strength Mpa D-790 59 57
Module de flexion Mpa D-790 1447 1397
Résistance à l'impact par entaille Izod J/M D-256 540 550
Melt Index(235℃/2.16kg) g/10min D-1238 10.44 9.82

It can be seen from the above table that the super toughening effect achieved by adding 15% W5B in the PBT toughening system is close to that of imported polyester toughening agents.

Typical data of W5B in PBT fiber

Physical index Unité Testing method 70%PBT+30%GF 65%PBT+5%W5B+30%GF
Résistance à la traction Mpa D-638 120 100
Bending strength Mpa D-790 170 160
Résistance à l'impact par entaille Izod J/M D-256 90 150

It can be seen from the above table that adding 5% W5B can improve the notched impact strength and preserve other properties in the PBT fiber-added system. It shows that W5B has superior processing performance in the PBT fiber-added system and can help the glass fiber to disperse uniformly.

Typical Data of W5B in PBT Flame Retardant Reinforcement

Physical index Unité Testing method 56%+P1B4T%+3F0R%GF 52%PBT++41%4%WF5RB+30%GF
Résistance à la traction Mpa D-638 110 107
Bending strength Mpa D-790 165 160
Résistance à l'impact par entaille Izod J/M D-256 65 150
Residual rate % / 30.03 30.89
1/16 flame retardant Grade UL-94 HB V0

It can be seen from the above table that adding 4% W5B in the PBT flame retardant reinforcement system can improve the notched impact strength and preserve other properties well. It shows that W5B has superior processing performance in PBT flame retardant reinforcement system and can help glass fiber and flame retardant to disperse uniformly.


W5B is suitable for produces which needs high reactivity and low residue.

A material with remarkable mechanical qualities, low-temperature toughness, and chemical resistance is the PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modified POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer.

It is the perfect option for a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and electronics, thanks to its distinctive composition and cutting-edge technology.

This product gives applications that call for strength, toughness, and dependability a cost-effective solution by boosting the performance and durability of materials.




1. Improved Mechanical Properties: The POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer with PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modifications considerably enhances the mechanical properties of materials. The finished product is more reliable and durable as a result of the increased tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact resistance.

2. Low-Temperature Toughness: This product has outstanding low-temperature toughness, guaranteeing the substance keeps its strength and flexibility even in subfreezing temperatures. It is appropriate for use in sectors including automotive, aerospace, and construction since it reduces brittleness and retains performance in cold settings.

3. Increased Dimensional Stability: By assisting in the reduction of shrinkage and warping during manufacturing, the PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modified POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer enhances the dimensional stability of the finished product. This benefit is especially useful in applications where exact and accurate dimensions are necessary.

4. Excellent chemical resistance makes the modified POE-G-GMA graft polymer ideal for applications where exposure to chemicals or severe conditions is anticipated. It guarantees that the material maintains its qualities and functionality even under trying circumstances.

5. Cost-Effective Solution: The PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modified POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer allows for the use of less material while keeping the necessary performance by improving the mechanical properties of materials. This economical approach lowers the price of the materials.

Notre avantage

Chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale !

Sound Storage And Logistics Supply Chain System (système de chaîne d'approvisionnement)
Support technique
Protection après-vente

Concentration - Réalisation - Excellence !

Produits personnalisés
Priorité à la R&D
Services globaux

Certification Coace !

Certification ISO9001:2015
Certification ISO14001:2015
Enregistrement REACH dans l'UE

Corée K-REACH pré-enregistrement

L'avantage de l'entreprise !

Disposition à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays, idéal pour les mélanges
Schéma de commercialisation intérieure
Mise en place d'un marketing outre-mer


1. Compatibilisant pour les alliages de polyoléfines et de polyester
2. Utilisé pour le remplissage amélioré de PBT/PET, la modification de la dureté à basse température
Solutions by industry:

1. Automotive: This product is used in bumpers, interior trims, and under-the-hood applications for automobiles. In harsh automotive conditions, its high strength, low-temperature toughness, and chemical resistance make it appropriate.2. Aerospace: The modified POE-G-GMA graft polymer is used in engine parts, aircraft interiors, and structural elements in the aerospace industry. Its high mechanical qualities and low-temperature performance guarantee dependable operation in difficult circumstances.

3. building: This product is used to make pipes, fittings, and profile-related building components. Applications requiring durability and long-term performance are suited for it thanks to its improved strength and dimensional stability.

4. Electronics: PET Reinforced Filling Low Temperature Toughening Modified POE-G-GMA Graft Polymer is employed in connections, housings, and insulators, among other electronic component types. Its mechanical qualities and chemical resistance guarantee the security and dependability of electrical devices.





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