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Photovoltaic Packaging Film Additives

Numéro de modèle : R1020

Introduction :

Film d'encapsulation photovoltaïque en copolymère d'oléfine modifié par des silanes, à haute transparence et à faible point de cristallisation, adhésif pour le verre
Performance Valeur Méthode d'essai
Densité 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
point de fusion(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Méthode COACE
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20g/10min ASTM D1238
Teneur en silane  Haut Méthode COACE¹
Description des produits


Advanced and specialized goods, Silane Modified Olefin solar Encapsulation Film Additives are made to improve the durability and performance of solar encapsulation films. These additives have remarkable properties and benefits that make them perfect for a range of uses in the solar energy sector by integrating silane technology into olefin-based films. Coace® R1020 is an olefin copolymer that has been silane-treated. It is mostly used in sun encapsulation films. Low crystal point, high transparency, and high concentration of silane are some of its characteristics. They contribute to longer module lifespans, higher energy conversion efficiency, lower costs, and greater adhesion, moisture resistance, UV stability, optical qualities, and thermal stability. These additives are essential parts of high-quality photovoltaic module production, increasing the sustainability and efficiency of solar energy systems with their wide range of applications.


Un équipement de pointe !

Elle est équipée de lignes de production avancées et d'un centre d'essais expérimentaux pour garantir la qualité des produits.

Une force technique puissante !

Plus de 10 techniciens expérimentés en recherche et développement sont à l'origine d'une innovation permanente.




Performance Valeur Méthode d'essai
Densité 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
point de fusion(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Méthode COACE
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20g/10min ASTM D1238
Teneur en silane  Haut Méthode COACE¹

Note: Les données ci-dessus sont des valeurs d'essai typiques et ne doivent pas être interprétées comme des spécifications.

Dosage suggéréSelon l'application réelle, en tenant compte du coût, le montant approprié de l'augmentation ou de la diminution.


Copolymère d'oléfine modifié par des silanes, principalement utilisé dans les films d'encapsulation photovoltaïques, avec une teneur élevée en silane, une grande transparence, un faible point de cristallisation et d'autres caractéristiques.

  • Enhanced adhesive: Olefin-based encapsulation films’ adhesive qualities are intended to be improved by the Silane Modified Olefin Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film Additives. Silane technology is incorporated to improve interlayer bonding, which leads to superior adhesion between various film layers and the enclosed components, like substrates and solar cells.
  • Moisture Resistance: By strengthening the encapsulating layers’ resistance to moisture, these additives shield the solar cells from moisture intrusion. By creating a moisture barrier, silane technology reduces the chance of moisture-induced film breakdown or delamination by stopping water from penetrating.
  • UV Stability: The encapsulation films’ UV stability is improved by the Silane Modified Olefin Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film Additives. By acting as a protective layer, silane technology prolongs the life of solar cells and lessens the deterioration brought on by UV light.
  • Better Optical Properties: By improving the encapsulation films’ optical characteristics, these additives enable greater light transmission and less light scattering. Through reduction of light loss and enhancement of light capture, the additives help the solar cells achieve higher energy conversion efficiency.
  • Thermal Stability: The encapsulation films’ thermal stability is enhanced by the Silane Modified Olefin Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film Additives. Even in difficult operating conditions, the solar cells’ integrity and functioning are guaranteed by their increased resilience to high temperatures.


Enhanced Module Reliability: This is the outcome of the encapsulating coatings’ increased adhesive qualities. The additives reduce the possibility of film layer delamination or separation, guaranteeing the solar module’s long-term structural integrity and performance stability.

Extended Lifespan: The encapsulating films’ longer lifespan is facilitated by these additives’ moisture resistance and UV stability. The increased resilience extends the operating life of the solar cells by shielding them from external elements like moisture and UV rays.

Enhanced Energy Conversion Efficiency: The Silane Modified Olefin Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film Additives improve the optical characteristics and lower light loss, which raises the solar cells’ energy conversion efficiency. Higher energy yields and better system performance are the results of this.

Cost Savings: Manufacturers and operators of solar energy systems can save money thanks to the photovoltaic module’s increased longevity and increased dependability. A higher return on investment is a result of improved energy conversion efficiency and decreased maintenance and replacement expenses.


Notre avantage

Chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale !

Sound Storage And Logistics Supply Chain System (système de chaîne d'approvisionnement)
Support technique
Protection après-vente

Concentration - Réalisation - Excellence !

Produits personnalisés
Priorité à la R&D
Services globaux

Certification Coace !

Certification ISO9001:2015
Certification ISO14001:2015
Enregistrement REACH dans l'UE

Corée K-REACH pré-enregistrement

L'avantage de l'entreprise !

Disposition à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays, idéal pour les mélanges
Schéma de commercialisation intérieure
Mise en place d'un marketing outre-mer




Application typique

1. Film d'encapsulation photovoltaïque
2. Adhésif pour verre

Polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) films are two examples of olefin-based encapsulation films that work well with the Silane Modified Olefin Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film Additives. These additives are excellent for large-scale production since they are simple to include into the film manufacturing process without requiring significant modifications or new equipment.

In the solar energy sector, Silane Modified Olefin Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film Additives are widely used, particularly in the production of photovoltaic modules. They work well with both thin-film and crystalline silicon solar cell technologies. The encapsulation films used in solar panels for residential, commercial, and utility-scale applications perform better and last longer thanks to these additives.



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Introduction :

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Introduction :

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