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Low Glass Transition Temperature Flame Retardant Polyamide Impact Modifier

Numéro de modèle : W1A-4

Introduction :

Coace®W1A-4 is a modified polyamide elastomer, using anhydride modification technology, with a low glass transition temperature and flame retardant qualities.
Apparence Granulés blancs
Indice de fusion (190℃,2.16kg) : g/10min 01.1.0
Teneur en anhydride maléique Haut
Densité(g/㎤) 0.87
Description des produits


Coace® W1A-4 is an anhydride-modified polyolefin elastomer with high grafting rates and a low glass transition temperature.This novel product provides a multi-dimensional solution combining flexibility, flame retardancy, and impact resistance.

Designed to reduce the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the parent polymer, our flame retardant polyamide moderator impact moderator is an anhydride modified polyolefin elastomer, therefore increasing its flexibility and processability. In the plastics sector, this original product is revolutionary since it provides a mix of features required for many different uses. Because of its special mix of characteristics, our low glass transition temperature flame retardant polyamide moderator is very unusual on the market. It improves polymers’ performance and safety by means of a complete solution rather than only additive one.


Un équipement de pointe !

Elle est équipée de lignes de production avancées et d'un centre d'essais expérimentaux pour garantir la qualité des produits.

Une force technique puissante !

Plus de 10 techniciens expérimentés en recherche et développement sont à l'origine d'une innovation permanente.




Apparence Granulés blancs
Indice de fusion (190℃,2.16kg) : g/10min 01.1.0
Teneur en anhydride maléique Haut
Densité(g/㎤) 0.87
  • Low Glass Transition Temperature: Our product’s low Tg guarantees increased flexibility at lower temperatures, hence it is appropriate for uses needing pliable in cold surroundings.
  • Flame Retardancy: Our moderator is naturally flame retardant, so lowering the risk of fire and so enhancing the safety of the resultant good.
  • Impact Resistance: Excellent impact resistance comes from the anhydride modified polyolefin elastomer, which absorbs and distributes energy during impact events to stop material failure.
  • Chemical Compatibility: It fits many different polymers, therefore facilitating simple incorporation into current production techniques.
  • Customizable Formulation: Our product can be customized to satisfy particular performance criteria, so guaranteeing best outcomes in many different uses.


Multi-dimensional performance improvement: By means of physical and chemical modification techniques, the product achieves outstanding performance in strength, toughness, heat resistance, flame retardancy, and other features, so satisfying the requirements of several application situations.

Improved Flexibility: Low Tg of our product enables more flexibility, which is absolutely important for uses in cold conditions or where flexibility is a main performance criterion.

Improved Safety: Our moderator’s flame retardant qualities greatly lower the fire danger, so it is a perfect fit for goods needing strict safety criteria.

Increased Durability: The impact modifier increases the polymer’s resilience, therefore lowering the possibility of breaking or damage under load.

Cost-Effective Solution: Our product provides a reasonably priced means of enhancing polymers’ performance without requiring costly tools or techniques.


Notre avantage

Chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale !

Sound Storage And Logistics Supply Chain System (système de chaîne d'approvisionnement)
Support technique
Protection après-vente

Concentration - Réalisation - Excellence !

Produits personnalisés
Priorité à la R&D
Services globaux

Certification Coace !

Certification ISO9001:2015
Certification ISO14001:2015
Enregistrement REACH dans l'UE

Corée K-REACH pré-enregistrement

L'avantage de l'entreprise !

Disposition à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays, idéal pour les mélanges
Schéma de commercialisation intérieure
Mise en place d'un marketing outre-mer


Application typique

A utiliser comme modificateurs d'impact pour les mélanges-maîtres de composés ignifuges à base de PA6, PA66 et polyamide.
A utiliser comme compatibilisant pour améliorer la compatibilité entre le polyamide et le polypropylène ou le polyéthylène.

Applications dans l'industrie :

Automotive industry: Modified polyamide materials are extensively employed in the construction of interior and exterior parts, bumpers and other parts in automotive sector, therefore enhancing the lifetime and safety of vehicles.

Aerospace industry: This material is produced to create seat frames and other sections as well as interior décor elements of aircraft. Its great flame retardant qualities and heat resistance help to sufficiently guarantee flight safety.

Electronic and electrical industry: Modified polyamide materials are extensively used in the shells and internal structural components of household appliances including televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines, so enhancing the durability and appearance of the products in the electronic and electrical sector.

Medical industry: This material is utilized to create surgical instruments, medical consumables and other sections of medical equipment manufacture. Its mechanical qualities and strong biocompatibility help to raise the dependability and safety of medical equipment.


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Introduction :

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