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Agent de couplage macromoléculaire pour substances inorganiques résistant au vieillissement

Numéro de modèle : W1G-F

Introduction :

Coace® W1G-F est un élastomère de styrène-éthylène-butylène-styrène modifié par un anhydride, utilisé comme agent de couplage / compatibilisateur et présentant une bonne stabilité et une bonne résistance au vieillissement.
Caractéristiques Valeur Unité Méthode d'essai
Apparence Granulés
Couleur Blanc
Densité 0.90 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Débit de fusion(190℃5kg) 25-40 g/10min ASTM D1238
Teneur en styrène 20 % /
Teneur en anhydride maléique Haut wt% Méthode COACE[1]
Description des produits


Coace ® W1G-F is an anhydride modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styreneelastomer with good stability and aging resistance.

Designed to give great aging resistance and improved interfacial adhesion between organic polymers and inorganic fillers or reinforcements, the Anhydride Modified S-EB-S Elastomer is a complex polymer. Including anhydride groups into the S-EB-S structure generates reactive sites that can create covalent connections with inorganic materials, therefore enhancing the general stability and performance of composite materials.
Designed especially to increase the compatibility and interfacial bonding between organic polymers and inorganic materials, the aging resistance macromolecular coupling agent is a novel polymeric addition. Advanced macromolecular architectures help this coupling agent not only increase the mechanical and thermal characteristics of composite materials but also extend their service life.


Un équipement de pointe !

Elle est équipée de lignes de production avancées et d'un centre d'essais expérimentaux pour garantir la qualité des produits.

Une force technique puissante !

Plus de 10 techniciens expérimentés en recherche et développement sont à l'origine d'une innovation permanente.




Caractéristiques Valeur Unité Méthode d'essai
Apparence Granulés
Couleur Blanc
Densité 0.90 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Débit de fusion(190℃5kg) 25-40 g/10min ASTM D1238
Teneur en styrène 20 % /
Teneur en anhydride maléique Haut wt% Méthode COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%.

Voici quelques utilisations du SEBS greffé :

  • High anti-aging performance: By means of acid anhydride modification, the material’s thermal stability and oxidative stability are much enhanced, so enabling its maintenance of good physical characteristics in high temperature conditions.
  • Enhanced Weathering Resistance: The product is made to withstand degradation from UV radiation, moisture, and temperature variations, therefore extending the life of the composite material.
  • Chemical Stability: The coupling agent is fit for uses in demanding surroundings since it shows great resistance to many different chemical agents.
  • Improved Mechanical Strength: Tensile strength, modulus, and abrasion resistance of the composite are much improved by coupling agent optimization of the dispersion of inorganic fillers.
  • Après l'ajout du SEBS greffé à l'anhydride maléique, la Tg du PC dans le mélange PC/PBT est passée à basse température, et la différence de Tg entre les deux s'est encore réduite, ce qui a amélioré la compatibilité du mélange.
  • Thermal Insulation Properties: The product helps the composite to be thermally insulated, therefore lowering heat transfer and preserving the integrity of the material under high temperature.


The aging resistance of the coupling agent guarantees that the composite material preserves its characteristics over a long period, therefore lowering the demand for regular replacements.

Wide range of inorganic materials, including fillers, reinforcements, and coatings, makes the coupling agent a flexible solution for many different sectors.

Improving the performance and lifetime of composite materials helps the coupling agent present a reasonably cheap substitute for conventional materials and additives.

Environmental Sustainability: Through lower environmental impact of material deterioration and disposal, the product helps to generate sustainable materials.

Excellent anti-aging function of the product helps to considerably extend the service life by preventing cracking, discolouration, and other issues during long-term usage.

Lower maintenance expenses: Excellent mechanical qualities and longevity help to lower material replacement frequency, so lowering total maintenance costs.

broad spectrum of uses: relevant to several sectors, including consumer goods, medical, and automotive, satisfying various fields for high-performance elastometers.

Anhydride modification technology simplifies processing of the material, and many complicated forms of goods can be tailored depending on consumer requirement.


Notre avantage

Chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale !

Sound Storage And Logistics Supply Chain System (système de chaîne d'approvisionnement)
Support technique
Protection après-vente

Concentration - Réalisation - Excellence !

Produits personnalisés
Priorité à la R&D
Services globaux

Certification Coace !

Certification ISO9001:2015
Certification ISO14001:2015
Enregistrement REACH dans l'UE

Corée K-REACH pré-enregistrement

L'avantage de l'entreprise !

Disposition à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays, idéal pour les mélanges
Schéma de commercialisation intérieure
Mise en place d'un marketing outre-mer




Application typique

  1. A utiliser comme compatibilisant pour les polyoléfines, PPO/PA et autres alliages.
  2. A utiliser comme agent de couplage macromoléculaire pour les minéraux, les fibres de verre et d'autres substances inorganiques.

Industrie d'application

Used to produce superior heat resistance and durability, automotive industry includes shock-absorbing pads, sealing strips, etc.

Medical industry: utilized to guarantee the safety and biocompatibility of materials by manufacturing artificial joints, dental appliances, etc., medical devices and implants.

Consumer products sector: offers superior flexibility and comfort and is used to create several daily needs such toys, sports equipment, etc.

The construction sector produces waterproof materials, sealants, etc., so offering outstanding weather resistance and waterproof performance.

Available in several grades, each intended to satisfy particular industry standards and consumer needs, our Aging Resistance Macromolecular Coupling Agent is We provide thorough technical data and customizing choices to make sure our solution exactly meets your particular application requirements.


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