To achieve desirable mechanical qualities in the field of polymer composites, compatibility between the matrix and the fillers or reinforcements is essential. The purpose of this article is to examine how different fillers and reinforcements interact with polypropylene (PP) that has been grafted with maleic anhydride (MAH). We may learn more about MAH grafted PP’s potential uses in composite materials by analyzing how well it works with various materials.
1. Understanding MAH grafted PP
Recognizing Maleic anhydride is chemically linked to the polymer chain in MAH grafted PP, a modified version of polypropylene. By improving its compatibility with other materials, this change enables PP to be used in composite applications. Maleic anhydride groups provide greater filler and reinforcement adherence and dispersion inside the PP matrix.
2. Compatibility with Glass Fiber
Polymer composites frequently employ glass fiber as reinforcement. For MAH grafted PP to have strong mechanical qualities, it must be compatible with glass fiber. Maleic anhydride groups on the PP chain have been shown to increase the interfacial adhesion between PP and glass fiber, increasing the composite’s tensile strength and stiffness.
3. Compatibility with carbon nanotubes
Because of their remarkable mechanical and electrical qualities, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are another well-liked reinforcing material. The development of high-performance composites is very interested in the compatibility of MAH grafted PP with CNTs. Maleic anhydride groups have been shown to encourage the dispersion of CNTs inside the PP matrix, improving the material’s mechanical and electrical characteristics.
4. Compatibility with Nanoclay
Due to its low cost and capacity to improve mechanical qualities, Nanoclay is a commonly utilized filler in polymer composites. To achieve excellent dispersion and interfacial adhesion, MAH grafted PP must be compatible with nanoclay. Maleic anhydride groups have been shown to increase the compatibility between PP and nanoclay, increasing the composite’s tensile strength and impact resistance.
5. Graphene compatibility
Due to its remarkable mechanical, electrical, and thermal capabilities, two-dimensional carbon substance graphene has attracted a lot of interest lately. To create graphene-based composites, MAH grafted PP must be compatible with graphene. According to research, the inclusion of maleic anhydride groups improves the mechanical and electrical characteristics of PP and graphene by increasing interfacial adhesion and dispersion.
Graphene, glass fiber, carbon nanotubes, nanoclay, and MAH grafted PP all show high compatibility with each other as fillers and reinforcements. The interfacial adhesion and dispersion of these materials inside the PP matrix are increased by the inclusion of maleic anhydride groups, which improves the mechanical, electrical, and thermal characteristics of the composites. Applications for MAH grafted PP in a variety of sectors, including automotive, aerospace, and electronics, are made possible by the material’s compatibility with various fillers and reinforcements. The evolution of composite materials will be aided by further research and development in this area.