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Comment les additifs silanes greffés POE améliorent-ils les performances des films photovoltaïques ? 

Essential parts of solar modules that turn sunlight into power are photovoltaic (PV) films. The addition of additives can greatly improve the performance of these films. POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) grafting silane is one such addition. This paper investigates the methods in which POE grafting silane additions improve solar energy conversion efficiency in photovoltaic films, examining their special characteristics and benefits.

Improved Adhesion

Photovoltaic films’ adhesive properties are enhanced with POE grafting silane additions. Covalent bonds are formed when the silane groups in the additive interact with the film’s surface. By ensuring a strong binding between the film and other layers, such the front sheet or backsheet, this improved adhesion helps to prevent delamination and preserves the integrity of the module.

Enhanced Resistance to Moisture

Photovoltaic films’ resistance to moisture is enhanced with POE grafting silane additions. These additives minimize corrosion and performance deterioration by preventing moisture intrusion into the film by producing a protective barrier. The long-term dependability of solar modules is increased by the increased moisture resistance, especially in humid or coastal areas.

Ideal Transmission of Light

The light transmission capabilities of photovoltaic films are enhanced by POE grafting silane compounds. By making the film’s surface smoother, the additives can lessen light reflection and scattering. As a result, the underlying solar cells absorb more light, increasing the module’s overall energy conversion efficiency.

Amélioration de l'efficacité électrique

The use of POE grafting silane compounds helps solar films operate better electrically. By improving the interface between the film and the solar cells’ active layers, the additives lower electrical losses and boost charge carrier mobility. As a result, the solar module’s current output increases and its capacity to generate power increases.

Durability and Weatherability

POE grafting silane additives enhance the durability and weatherability of photovoltaic films. The additives improve the film’s resistance to UV radiation, thermal cycling, and environmental stresses. This helps maintain the film’s mechanical integrity and optical properties over its operational lifetime, ensuring long-term performance and reliability.

Compatibility and Processability

POE grafting silane additives exhibit good compatibility with other components of photovoltaic films, such as ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) or encapsulant materials. They can be easily incorporated into existing film manufacturing processes without significant modifications. This compatibility and processability make them suitable for large-scale production and integration into current photovoltaic module manufacturing processes.

To sum up, POE grafting silane additives have a lot to offer solar film applications. They boost durability, optimize light transmission, improve adhesion, improve moisture resistance, and improve electrical performance. These additives are a viable option for improving the efficiency and dependability of photovoltaic films in solar module applications due to their compatibility and processability.

POE film is an exceptional photovoltaic module encapsulation film that exhibits high efficiency, high dependability, and good moisture and vapor barrier, ion barrier, and anti-aging qualities. The common material for double-glass modules is this one. Its processability is a little bit worse, though. We must use the proper photovoltaic packaging film additives (specifically utilized in photovoltaic film-level hot melt adhesives) in order to increase the success rate of photovoltaic packaging film packing.

Le rendement des panneaux photovoltaïques est fortement influencé par l'adhérence entre les panneaux solaires en cristal de silicium et les films d'emballage photovoltaïques. L'ajout de produits chimiques aux films d'emballage solaires est une étape cruciale pour obtenir cette adhésion. Le rendement augmente lorsque des additifs sont utilisés, car l'adhésion du film et du panneau solaire en cristal de silicium est plus efficace.

COACE is dedicated to the discovery, manufacturing, and servicing of additives for solar packaging films. The R&D team is headed by a number of Ph.D. holders and senior engineers. The majority of consumers use COAS solar packaging film additives because of their high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and high transparency!

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