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Comment les additifs fonctionnalisés à l'anhydride maléique améliorent-ils l'adhérence des revêtements aux substrats ?

Numerous industries, including the automotive, aerospace, marine, and construction sectors, heavily rely on coatings. Substrates can be shielded by coatings from abrasion, weathering, corrosion, and other environmental elements. On the other hand, for coatings to function and offer the best protection, substrate adhesion is necessary. Coating delamination, cracking, peeling, and other flaws can result from poor adherence. Using functionalized additives, such as resins treated with Anhydride maléique (MAH), can help increase coating adherence. The advantages of MAH functionalized additives for coatings will be elucidated in this paper.

Maleic anhydride: What is it?

Formulated as C4H2O3, maleic anhydride is a chemical molecule. This whitish solid dissolves in methanol, acetone, and water. MAH is a crucial chemical intermediary that is utilized in the production of many different goods, such as coatings, polymers, and resins. Because MAH’s molecular structure contains two unsaturated carbon atoms, it is an extremely reactive substance. MA can react to create esters, amides, and thioesters with a range of functional groups, including alcohols, amines, and thiols.


Maleic anhydride Functionalized Additives: How Do They Operate?

To increase coatings’ adherence to substrates, functionalized additives such MAH-modified resins are employed. Polymeric compounds known as resins have the ability to cross-link or cure to produce cross-linked networks. Resins can give coatings a variety of qualities, including adhesion, toughness, flexibility, and chemical resistance. However, because of their incompatible chemical makeup, some resins might not stick to specific substrates very well. MAH-modified resins can be utilized to improve adhesion in certain situations.

Additives with MAH functionalization can increase coating adherence to substrates through a number of methods, such as:
1. Chemical bonding: MAH can create covalent connections by reacting with functional groups on the substrate surface, such as carboxyl, amino, or hydroxyl groups. A robust interface that is resistant to peeling and delamination can be formed between the coating and substrate thanks to this chemical bonding.

2. Physical adsorption: Through electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds, or van der Waals forces, MAH-modified resins can physically adsorb onto substrate surfaces. By expanding the contact area and lowering interfacial energy, this physical adsorption can improve interfacial adhesion.

3. Reactive compatibility: In a coating system, MAH-modified resins can improve the adhesive compatibility of various resins or polymers. Covalent bonds can be formed between MAH and other functional groups on resins or polymers, enhancing the coating’s overall cohesion and stickiness.


Advantages of Functionalized Additives for Coatings with Maleic Anhydride

The following are some advantages of using MAH-functionalized compounds in coatings:

1. Increased adhesion: MAH-functionalized additives, particularly in harsh environments or demanding applications, can greatly increase the adherence of coatings to surfaces. A range of functional groups on substrate surfaces can react with MAH, giving the coating both chemical and physical anchoring.

2. Decreased peeling and delamination: Additives functionalized with MAH have the ability to lessen peeling and delamination of coatings, increasing their lifespan and durability.

3. Increased chemical resistance: Additives with MAH functionalization can strengthen coatings’ resistance to corrosive agents such as bases, acids, solvents, and others. By reacting with these substances, MA can create amides, thioesters, or stable esters that can prevent degradation of the substrate and coating.

4. Better intercoat adhesion: Additives with MAH functionalization can help a coating system’s various layers adhere to one another better. Covalent bonds can be formed between MA and other resins or polymers in the system to create a cohesive and smooth covering.



One method that shows promise for enhancing adherence to substrates is the application of coatings containing additives functionalized with MAH. A range of functional groups on substrate surfaces can react with MAH, giving the coating both chemical and physical anchoring. Additives functionalized with MAH have the potential to improve intercoat adhesion, decrease peeling and delamination, increase chemical resistance, and improve adhesion considerably. Depending on the needs of the particular application, coating formulators can select from a range of MAH-functionalized additives, including epoxy, polyester, polyurethane, or acrylic resins modified by MAH.

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