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Comment les adhésifs pour films d'emballage répondent-ils aux besoins des différentes industries, telles que l'industrie alimentaire ou pharmaceutique ?

By preventing gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor from penetrating the film, these coatings are intended to provide food with protection for an extended period of time. The combination of polar and non-polar polymers is what gives the material its potential to act as a gas barrier. Nevertheless, the problem of poor adhesion between polymers that are incompatible could be solved by employing a specific category of adhesives, which are as follows: “layer of ties”


Applications for film and package adhesives can be found in a wide variety of industries, including as the food and beverage industry, the

pharmaceutical industry, the personal care industry, and the industrial goods industry. Labels, lidding films, and flexible packaging are all examples of applications that make use of adhesives in the food business. To protect the health of their customers, they are required to adhere to severe laws on food safety. Blister packaging, transdermal patches, and drug delivery systems are all examples of applications that make use of adhesives in the pharmaceutical business. Adhesives that are used in pharmaceutical applications are required to comply with stringent regulatory criteria in order to guarantee the integrity and safety of the product.

As a tie layer adhesive, COACE Film & Packaging Adhesive is PE-g-MAH concentration. It is used for packaging. It is a functional polyolefin that is utilized in the production of multi-layer packaging films or in the lamination of paper in order to improve the adhesive quality between layers in a structure that are not compatible with one another and have different polarities.



Plastics such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are commonly utilized in the packaging business. Because of the benefits they offer, manufacturers are interested in utilising them. However, the uses of these materials are limited due to their inadequate barrier performance and excessive oxygen diffusion. In addition to this, they provide inadequate protection for delicate foods and beverages. It is therefore recommended that these films be mixed with polar materials such as PET, PA, EVOH, paper, and aluminum sheets in order to produce containers with the right multilayered structure.



In the following examples, the mixture of polar and non-polar layers is responsible for the gas barrier capabilities, which includes oxygen, carbon dioxide, and moisture.

Five-layer films that are both rigid and flexible, designed to protect food.
Containers made of paper or metal that are used to store beverages for an extended period of time.

The quality of adhesion between layers that are not compatible is the primary obstacle that these structures must overcome. This is due to the fact that the polyolefin layer is unable to stick to the polar layer. The performance of the film will be flawless once the layers that are incompatible with one another have been removed. As a result, Aria adhesive is created with dual functionality to enable compatibility to several layers by the following means:

Adhesives come into contact with polar materials through chemical interactions (covalent and hydrogen).

There is a physical interaction and dispersion of the adhesive backbone with the chains of the polyolefin resin.



The structure of multilayer films can be arranged in a variety of different ways, depending on the capabilities of the film. Therefore, the final usage should be taken into consideration while selecting materials for the tie layer and its qualities. When designing the adhesive mix, substrates, physical requirements, and cost efficiency should all be taken into consideration simultaneously.Polyethylene is used as the basis material for COACE’s W1L, which is then grafted with MAH. Polar side groups are then injected into the chain that is made up of non-polar components. Because it is an adhesive, it can be used with both polar and non-polar materials. Within composite films made of polypropylene, polyolefin, and nylon, W1L has the potential to serve as a connecting component. The surface adhesion between the base resin and the functional layer resin is significantly improved as a result of the reaction that takes place between MAH and the amino group of nylon.

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