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Le panneau de porte intérieur de la voiture sent-il mauvais ? Il est irrégulier ? C'est parce que vous n'avez pas utilisé le compatibilisateur !

The interior materials of cars have a direct impact on the health of drivers and passengers in addition to the overall comfort and quality of the vehicle. As a component of the interior of the car, the door panel serves a variety of purposes, including easy opening and closing of the door, support for the elbows and wrists, absorption of sound and vibrations, dustproof and waterproof properties, and protection of the human body in the event of a collision. However, because of its strong smell and difficulties in changing its look, its application in car interior parts is limited.

Automobile interior materials actively responded to the “Opinions on Further Strengthening the Control of Plastic Pollution” published in 2020 by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments. Car door panels are using an increasing amount of modified polymers.
Interior door panels for cars are often upgraded with PP+TD filling and need to be low-odor. The product’s enormous area motivates the pursuit of flatness and flexural modulus.


Car door panel issues are resolved with COACE compatibilizer

1. Lessen smell

Without lowering the amount of MAH active groups, the Coaces Technology Department has created a low-odor special modified compatibilizer B2 through carefully chosen substrates, streamlined procedures, and ongoing testing. In contrast to certain foreign companies, we Manufacturers of automobile compounding materials can easily meet Level 3.5 criteria with the help of the B2.

Maleic anhydride is reactively grafted onto polypropylene to create B2. Maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene can therefore serve as a bridge to enhance the adhesion and compatibility of polar and nonpolar materials since it contains a strongly polar side group called maleic anhydride that has been introduced into the main chain of polypropylene. When PP + glass fiber modification is applied, it can react with the glass fiber following surface treatment, enhancing their compatibility and increasing polypropylene’s tensile and impact strengths. The dispersion of filler and the compatibility of filler with polypropylene can both be significantly enhanced by the addition of PP compatibilizer during the filling process. This is a low-odor PP compatibilizer that, to a certain extent, satisfies automakers’ standards regarding the odor of automotive materials.


2. Enhance bending and flatness

You can add the required amount of our B1A, PP-g-MAH, to car door panels to increase their flatness and bending.

The following outcomes are possible:

Enhance the dispersion of fillers; Decrease the space between TD and resin and increase the compatibility between filler and resin; Widen the space between filler and resin. At this point, the material will flex and be more flat, even though the impact will be somewhat lessened.

B1A is a high-maleic anhydride content chemically functionalized polypropylene. Grafted maleic anhydride gives base polymers polarity and excellent binding characteristics on a variety of fillers, including natural fibers, glass fiber, and mineral filler.

In order to create PP/PA blends, it could be utilized as a compatibilizer for polypropylene and polyamide. Additionally, it could be applied as a coupling agent to glass fiber reinforced polypropylene, or composites known as PP/GF. The high molecular fill ratio (MFR) of B1A can guarantee the coupling agent has good fluidity in the twin-screw extruder process.


Coace est une entreprise bien connue qui recherche et développe des matériaux polymères depuis plus de dix ans. Avec plus de dix experts scientifiques au sein de son personnel, elle propose des services de modification des plastiques adaptés aux besoins de chaque client. Des équipements de production modernes, tels que huit lignes d'extrusion réactive et des machines spécialement conçues par des fabricants allemands réputés, constituent l'un des principaux atouts de Coace. Grâce à ces ressources, Coace est en mesure de créer des matériaux polymères de haute qualité qui répondent aux exigences les plus strictes avec efficacité et efficience. Coace possède les connaissances et les ressources nécessaires pour vous aider à résoudre tout type de problème, qu'il s'agisse de l'optimisation de la production, de la sélection des matériaux ou de la conception des produits.



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