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Characteristics and application fields of modified silane sealant

Characteristics and application fields of modified silane sealant

Modified silane sealant has a high bonding strength and great aging resistance because to its combined benefits of aging resistance and high strength. It is frequently used for sealing seams and gaps as well as for the self- and mutual adhesion of metal, plastic, glass, and other materials. Without isocyanate, PVC, or solvent, it is safe for human health as well as the environment.

Characteristics: Extremely low odor, great UV and aging resistance, no mildew, and the ability to attach to a range of surfaces without the need for priming.

Polyether/polyurethane, which serves as the base polymer and has silane-terminated polyether/polyurethane (polyether/polyurethane as the main chain, both ends are capped with siloxane) as the modification, is a high-performance, environmentally friendly sealant. Low viscosity and excellent workability have drawn interest from the domestic construction industry as well as from industries like auto. Because it combines the benefits and strengths of silicone sealant and polyurethane sealant, it exhibits excellent weather resistance, durability, high resistance to deformation and displacement, good adhesion, paintability, environmental friendliness, and low staining. Use and promotion.

1. Prolonged adhesion to substrates

The basic polymer (silyl-terminated polyether/polyurethane) has an excellent wetting ability for most inorganic, metal, and plastic substrates, resulting in good adherence to the substrate. This is due to its low surface energy and high penetration.

2. Outstanding weather resistance and toughness

Polyether/polyurethane serves as the long chain in the modified silane sealant, and siloxy groups are used to finish the chain. The long polyether/polyurethane chain exhibits low unsaturation, a high molecular weight, and a restricted dispersion. The end group is a siloxane group that is hydrolyzable. After moisture curing at room temperature, the silane-modified sealant will create a network structure with flexible polyether long chains serving as cross-linking sites. In addition to having good weather resistance, water resistance, age resistance, and durability, this system can effectively prevent and suppress the surface cracks of the sealant after prolonged use.

3. Protection of the environment 

Unlike polyurethane sealants, which include hazardous isocyanate groups and free isocyanates, modified silane sealants have lengthy chains of siloxy-terminated polyether. Because of its low viscosity and outstanding workability, the improved silane sealant may have its process performance adjusted without the use of organic solvents. As a result, the silane-modified polyether glue does not require the addition of any organic solvents and has extremely little total volatile organic compounds (VOC).

4. Paintability 

While the modified silane sealant can be painted and colored and has superior paintability, the surface of regular silicone sealant cannot be painted or colored and can only be altered to the color needed by the user.

Due to their extensive variety of bonding materials, environmental protection, and superior weather resistance, modified silane sealants have garnered an increasing amount of market interest.

A silane-modified olefin copolymer known as Coace® R1020 is primarily utilized in adhesive films for solar encapsulation. It is transparent, has a high silane concentration, and has a low crystal point.
common application
1. The sticky sheet for encapsulating solar panels
2. Glass cement

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