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'W1B&#039 ; Nylon, pas de crainte du froid

Les poissons deviennent plus forts dans le grand froid ? Le nylon est plus faible ? Les résines vierges de nylon ont du mal à conserver de bonnes performances à des températures très basses...


Advances in UHMWPE research in the field of artificial joints

Artificial joints are implantable prostheses that replace diseased or damaged joints and must have adequate wear resistance, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance in addition to …

Nouvelles de l'industrie

How to choose additives?

Coupling agents and compatibilizers are the principal ingredients used in surface treatment. The coupling agents are specifically silanes, titanates, and aluminates.


Common applications for composite materials(1) (2)

In the previous article we covered a few common areas of application for composites, and in this article we will continue with others. The new …

Nouvelles de l'industrie

Polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride to compatibilize polyurethane/polypropylene composite system

The blending of TPU and PP promotes the formation of β crystal form, increases the crystallization temperature but reduces the crystallinity, and can play a significant role in toughening.


An introduction to EVA photovoltaic encapsulant film and production machinery

EVA photovoltaic encapsulation film production machine The main components of the whole set of equipment consist of extruder, mould, five-roller calender, thickness gauge, winder and …

Nouvelles de l'industrie

How to improve the compatibility of polypropylene with other polymers? See here for several methods!

Dynamic vulcanization is the crosslinking reaction of the dispersed phase during the melt blending of two polymers.


Plastiques modifiés 3 nouvelles tendances majeures en cours de développement

La quantité de nanoparticules inorganiques ajoutée au plastique est faible, généralement 3%-5%, et la densité du matériau composite reste pratiquement inchangée ou augmente très peu par rapport à la résine d'origine, et il n'y a pas d'inconvénient à diminuer d'autres propriétés en raison d'une trop grande quantité de charge.

Nouvelles de l'industrie

Comment les agents de couplage et les compatibilisants affectent-ils les propriétés du polypropylène renforcé de fibres continues ?

Introduction: To increase the interfacial adhesion between the fibers and the matrix in polymer composites, coupling agents and compatibilizers are frequently utilized. The composite material's …