Produits, gammes et familles de produits de Coace
Entreprise de haute technologie intégrant la R&D, la production et la vente de matériaux polymères, spécialisée dans la R&D, la production, la vente et le service de compatibilisants et de durcisseurs pour plastiques.
In order to enhance nylon’s mechanical qualities, particularly its toughness and impact strength, toughening chemicals are added.
One of the strongest and most popular thermoplastics in use today is nylon. It is widely utilized in a variety of products, including industrial machinery, …
toughening chemicals may be injected into nylon to enhance its performance and mechanical qualities.
Nylon is a flexible and extensively utilized polymer that is used in a variety of products and sectors, including electrical components, packaging, textiles, and automobile …
ow temperature resistant nylon toughener is a polymer that outperforms traditional materials in terms of strength, longevity, and a host of other factors.
nylon may also be made more durable by adding polar groups to the macromolecular chains of non-polar elastomers by graft copolymerization.
Ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) is a popular elastomer used in the production of TPV. Ethylene, propylene, and non-conjugated diene are the main components of EPDM.
Modified nylon is very important since it can be extended to be used in more sectors and its performance, improvement, and extra functions may be enhanced.
Brif introduction In fact, plastic modification is a relatively universal concept. It refers to the plastic products that are processed and modified by filling, blending …