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L'utilisation d'additifs greffés au silane dans les films photovoltaïques peut-elle contribuer à réduire les problèmes de vieillissement et de dégradation ?

Over the course of their operational lives, photovoltaic (PV) films—which are essential components of solar cells—face problems related to aging and deterioration. PV systems’ longevity and efficiency may be hampered by these problems. The use of silane grafting agents to PV films is one possible strategy to lessen these issues. The objective of this paper is to examine the aging phenomena linked to traditional coupling agents in photovoltaic films, emphasize the benefits of utilizing silane grafting additives, and talk about how they might help lessen aging and degradation problems.


Photovoltaic Film Aging Problems

Conventional coupling agents used in PV films have the potential to cause aging issues such as increased series resistance, decreased mechanical strength, and chemical degradation. Environmental elements including heat, moisture, and UV light cause chemical degradation, which results in the loss of adhesive qualities. Increased series resistance obstructs the passage of electric current, while decreased mechanical strength can cause delamination and fracture.



Overview of Silane Grafting Additives

Silane grafting additives are chemical substances that improve the adhesion and compatibility of various components in photovoltaic films. Strong interfacial adhesion is promoted by these additives because they include a silane functional group that can chemically connect with the surfaces of different materials. Comparing silane grafting compounds to conventional coupling agents reveals a number of benefits.

Silane grafting additives provide the following benefits

a) Better Chemical Stability: Silane grafting additives have a higher resistance to chemical deterioration, which prolongs the life of PV films. They are resistant to environmental elements including heat, moisture, and UV light because of their chemical makeup, which lessens the film’s aging effects.

b) Enhanced Mechanical Strength: By enhancing the interfacial adhesion between various layers in PV films, silane grafting additives boost the mechanical strength of the film. This enhancement raises the film’s overall durability by lowering the possibility of delamination, cracking, and layer separation.

c) Lower Series Resistance: Silane grafting additives reduce the rise in series resistance by facilitating effective charge transport inside PV films. These additions increase the film’s conductivity, which raises power production and enhances the solar cell’s overall performance.


Research and Development

Efforts to optimize the formulation and application procedures of silane grafting additives in PV films are being made continuously. Researchers at Coaces are investigating different kinds of silane grafting additives with specialized qualities to deal with certain issues related to aging and deterioration. Furthermore, studies are being done to find out how PV films with these additives perform and remain stable over the long run in various environmental settings.

Industry Adoption and Prospects

The PV film manufacturing sector is starting to adopt silane grafting additives more widely. These additives are being used by manufacturers more frequently to improve the performance and lifespan of their goods. It is anticipated that as technology develops, silane grafting additives will continue to evolve, enhancing PV films’ overall efficiency and aging resistance.


In summary, silane grafting additives provide a major improvement over conventional coupling agents when it comes to reducing the aging and degradation problems that PV films experience. The durability and efficiency of solar cells are boosted by increased mechanical strength, decreased series resistance, and improved chemical stability. The usage of silane grafting additives is still being explored and optimized by the industry, so there is hope for improving photovoltaic film durability and reliability in the future. This will further solidify solar energy’s place in the renewable energy landscape.

The majority of users prefer Coaces photovoltaic packaging film additives because of their high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and other qualities!


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