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Les additifs fonctionnalisés à l'anhydride maléique peuvent-ils améliorer les propriétés des polymères renouvelables et biodégradables ?

Concern for the preservation of the environment and the sustainable development of our planet has grown in recent years on a global scale. As a result, there is a growing need for sustainable and renewable materials to take the place of conventional polymers derived from petrochemicals.

Because they are environmentally benign, biodegradable and renewable polymers have being looked into as possible alternatives to traditional plastics derived from petrochemicals. Additives functionalized with maleic anhydride (MAH) have demonstrated significant promise in enhancing the characteristics of these polymers, thereby positioning them as competitive substitutes for conventional polymer materials.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of improving the qualities of biodegradable and renewable polymers through the use of additives functionalized with MAH.


Biodegradable and Renewable Polymers

Bio-based polymers, sometimes referred to as renewable polymers, are polymers made from renewable feedstock. Vegetables, wood, and algae are examples of biomass that can be used as renewable feedstocks. Contrarily, biodegradable polymers are those that allow microorganisms to naturally break them down into their component parts, making them easily accessible for integration into the ecosystem without causing pollution.

In the realm of sustainable materials, polymers that are renewable and biodegradable have a lot of potential. They are produced using natural and renewable resources, which frequently offer advantages over conventional materials obtained from fossil fuels in terms of economy and carbon footprint.
The qualities of these materials are frequently inferior to those of their petrochemical-based competitors, notwithstanding these advantages. Therefore, in order to make them competitive on a commercial basis, efforts must be taken to improve their mechanical and physical qualities.


Modified Additives with Maleic Anhydride Functions

It has been demonstrated that adding additives functionalized with maleic anhydride (MAH) improves the characteristics of biodegradable and renewable polymers. With two carbonyl groups on opposing faces of the ring, MAH is a cyclic molecule. It is a chemical that can be used to functionalize other polymers; it is very reactive.

Using MAH functionalized additives is mostly done to increase the renewable and biodegradable polymers’ compatibility with other components. As a result, the materials’ mechanical and physical qualities are enhanced, which expands their potential market.
Using MAH functionalized additives improves a number of qualities, one of which is the polymers’ thermal stability. This is so that the polymer’s thermal stability can be increased. MAH is very reactive and can create strong covalent connections with the polymer. In situations where the material is exposed to high temperatures, this is particularly crucial.

Furthermore, by using MAH-functionalized additives, the polymers’ mechanical characteristics—like their tensile strength and elastic modulus—can be enhanced. This is due to the fact that it has the potential to strengthen and stiffen the material by increasing the intermolecular interactions between the polymer chains.

Additionally, the barrier qualities of the materials may be enhanced by the inclusion of additives with MAH functionalization. Because of its polar functional groups, MAH can increase its resistance to oxygen and water, which makes it a better material for use in packaging applications.


Utilizing Biodegradable and Renewable Polymers

Numerous industries, including packaging, agriculture, textiles, healthcare, and the automotive sector, use renewable and biodegradable polymers.
One of the biggest markets for biodegradable and renewable polymers is the packaging sector. Disposable cups, biodegradable bags, and other food packaging materials are made with these materials.

Biodegradable and renewable polymers are utilized in agriculture for irrigation pipes, mulch films, and soil stabilizers. These materials are more environmentally benign than typical plastics, which can build up in the soil and harm the ecosystem.

Eco-friendly material utilization is also becoming more prevalent in the textile industry. Sustainable fibers like PLA and PHA, which are used to make clothes, furniture, and other textiles, are made from renewable and biodegradable polymers.

Biodegradable and renewable materials are employed in implants and medical equipment in the healthcare sector. Because these materials are biocompatible, there is less chance that the patient’s body may react negatively.
Lastly, the use of biodegradable and renewable materials for dashboards, external parts, and interior components is also being investigated by the automotive industry.

To sum up, biodegradable and renewable polymers have a lot of potential for sustainable products. To be competitive and economically viable, these materials frequently need to have their mechanical and physical qualities upgraded. It has been demonstrated that adding MAH functionalized additives to these materials improves their mechanical, thermal, and barrier qualities. As a result, this process can be utilized to create sustainable and environmentally friendly materials for a range of uses in numerous industries.

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