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¿Cuáles son las principales propiedades y características de los aditivos de silano injertado EVA para películas fotovoltaicas?

The solar energy industry has taken notice of EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) grafted silane photovoltaic film additives due to its capacity to improve the efficiency and robustness of solar panels. These additives have particular qualities and traits that enhance moisture resistance and overall module performance when added to photovoltaic (PV) film EVA encapsulating layers. The purpose of this article is to present a thorough examination of the essential features and attributes of EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives, elucidating their function in augmenting the efficiency and dependability of solar panels.

Being hydrophobic

Hydrophobicity is one of the primary characteristics of EVA grafted silane solar film additives. The encapsulating layer gains hydrophobic properties—a property that means it repels water—from the silane component of the addition. Because of its hydrophobic surface, less water is absorbed, lowering the possibility of problems like corrosion, delamination, and degradation of solar cells brought on by moisture intrusion. The self-cleaning effect is made possible by the additives’ hydrophobicity, which causes water droplets to roll off the surface and bead up, collecting dust and other debris particles.

Adhesion Strengthening

The adhesion between the encapsulating layer and the solar cells is improved by EVA grafted silane additions. Strong interfacial connections are formed between the grafted silane compound and the surface of the solar cells by chemical bonding with both. By preventing gaps or spaces from forming at the interface of the encapsulating layer, this improved adhesion lowers the possibility of moisture intrusion. Increased resilience to environmental stresses including temperature changes and mechanical loads is another benefit of improved adhesion, which also helps the module’s mechanical integrity.


Moisture Barrier: The addition of Aditivos para películas fotovoltaicas de silano injertado EVA prevents water vapor from passing through the encapsulation layer. In order to minimize water vapor’s entrance into the module, the silane component creates a protective barrier that slows down the diffusion of water vapor. This decreased passage of water vapor lessens the possibility of moisture-related problems and maintains the efficiency of the solar cells by keeping the atmosphere inside the module dry.

UV Steadiness

The UV stability of EVA grafted silane compounds is another crucial feature. These additives are made to endure extended exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light without experiencing appreciable deterioration. The encapsulating layer’s long-term performance and stability depend heavily on UV stability. These additives assist in preserving the transparency and mechanical qualities of the film by preserving its structural integrity under UV exposure, so averting UV-induced yellowing, discolouration, or embrittlement.


The purpose of EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives is to work with encapsulating materials that are based on EVA. The compatibility guarantees that the additives can be simply incorporated into the current solar panel production processes. Their adoption is straightforward for PV module makers since they can be integrated into the EVA matrix during the film extrusion process without requiring significant adjustments or new equipment.

Essential qualities and traits of EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives enhance the efficiency and dependability of solar panels. Their hydrophobic properties boost moisture resistance, and their increased adhesion strengthens the encapsulating layer’s integrity. Additionally, the additives serve as a moisture barrier, preventing the passage of water vapor and maintaining the module’s dry environment. Long-term performance is guaranteed by UV stability, and their compatibility with EVA-based materials makes it easier to incorporate them into current manufacturing procedures. The amalgamation of these attributes renders EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives a highly advantageous resolution for augmenting the efficiency and robustness of solar panels, bolstering the expansion and sustainability of solar energy production.

An additional component utilized in the solar photovoltaic cell packaging process is photovoltaic encapsulation film additive. Its primary purpose is to enhance the efficiency and performance of solar cell encapsulation through process optimization. The success rate of solar encapsulation film packaging can be increased by adding the proper additives (especially when added to the hot melt adhesive of the photovoltaic film level). The yield will increase as a result of the use of chemicals, which will effectively improve the film’s adhesion to the solar silicon crystal panel. The majority of users use COACEs photovoltaic packaging film additives because of their high grafting rate, good fluidity, high resistivity, low crystal point, and other qualities!

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