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¿Cuáles son las ventajas de utilizar películas coextruidas multicapa en la conservación de alimentos?

In recent years, multi-layer coextruded films have become an increasingly popular option for the preservation of food due to the exceptional qualities and capabilities that they provide. In this article, the advantages of employing multi-layer coextruded films in food preservation are discussed from a variety of perspectives. These advantages include barrier performance, prolonged shelf life, better product safety, sustainability, and versatility.

Rendimiento de las barreras

The exceptional barrier performance of multi-layer coextruded films is one of the most significant advantages that these films offer in the field of food preservation. These films are made up of many layers, each of which possesses a unique set of functional properties. As a result, they are able to create efficient barriers against oxygen, moisture, light, and other environmental elements. These films have barrier properties that help to retain the quality and freshness of food products by reducing the amount of oxidative reactions, moisture migration, and microbiological development that occur.



Mayor capacidad de almacenamiento

Food goods can have their shelf life extended by using multi-layer coextruded films, which contribute to this process. These films prevent the deterioration of food quality, which includes changes in color, loss of texture, and flavor degradation, by forming a barrier that is protective against oxygen and moisture. The improved shelf life that these films offer makes it possible to improve inventory management, lower the amount of food that is wasted, and lead to increased levels of customer satisfaction.

Better Protection of the Product

Multi-layer coextruded films serve a vital role in guaranteeing product safety, which is an essential component of food preservation. Food safety is an essential part of food preservation. Food is protected from contamination by these films, which serve as a physical barrier that prevents bacteria, molds, and other diseases from entering the food supply. Furthermore, multi-layer coextruded films have the capability of incorporating antimicrobial agents or coatings, which further enhances the safety of packaged food goods as well as their microbiological stability.

Long-term viability

When it comes to sustainability, the packaging sector is becoming increasingly concerned, and multi-layer coextruded films offer a number of benefits in this regard. The overall consumption of materials can be reduced by designing these films to be thinner and lighter than typical packaging materials. This will result in a reduction in the amount of material used. A further factor that contributes to the film’s eco-friendly profile is the fact that it can integrate layers that are either recyclable or biodegradable into its structure. The preservation of food through the use of multi-layer coextruded films helps to lessen the impact that production has on the environment and promotes the development of a circular economy.


Capacity for Change

Films that are coextruded with multiple layers offer versatility in terms of both their design and their functionality. The modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), vacuum packaging, and active packaging are all examples of the types of packaging that can be adapted to satisfy the unique requirements for food preservation. Because of the versatility of film design, it is possible to personalize it according to the particular requirements of various food products. This helps to guarantee that the preservation conditions are optimal and that the product quality is preserved.


The advantages of employing multi-layer coextruded films in food preservation are vast and diversified. As a result of their superior barrier performance, the capacity to increase shelf life, enhanced product safety, sustainability, and versatility, they are a preferred choice in the food packaging sector. Films like this offer a dependable option for maintaining the quality of food, cutting down on food waste, and satisfying the demands of consumers for packaging that is both safe and environmentally friendly. It is anticipated that multi-layer coextruded films will continue to develop as technology continues to grow, which will result in the provision of even more advantages for applications involving food preservation.



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