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Descubrimiento de las ventajas de los aditivos de injerto de silano en distintos tipos de películas fotovoltaicas

Silane graft additives have brought about a revolution in the photovoltaic (PV) sector by improving the efficiency and dependability of a wide variety of PV films. The purpose of this article is to provide a complete examination of the advantages that silane graft additives provide to solar EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) film, solar POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) film, and solar EPE film. The purpose of this paper is to throw light on the major contributions that silane graft additives have made to the development of high-performance photovoltaic modules by highlighting the particular benefits and applications of these additives in each film category.


Benefits of Silane Graft Additives in Solar EVA Film

a. Silane graft additives improve the adhesive between the EVA film and the encapsulant, backsheet, and other module components. This is one of the benefits of using Silane Graft Additives in Solar EVA Film. This results in an increase in the module’s longevity, a decrease in the chance of delamination, and an improvement in its performance over the long term.

b. Promotion of Crosslinking: The additives make the process of crosslinking EVA film easier to accomplish during the lamination process, which in turn enables the film to have improved mechanical and thermal properties. This leads to an increase in resistance to environmental influences such as variations in temperature and the introduction of moisture.

c. Improvement of the Moisture Barrier: Silane graft additives improve the moisture resistance of solar EVA films, which in turn reduces the possibility of module degradation brought on by water vapour permeation. This reduces the likelihood of electrical problems occurring over the long term and assures long-term reliability.

d. UV Stability: The additives enable the EVA film to maintain its UV stability, which safeguards the encapsulated solar cells against the potentially damaging effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight. This contributes to the preservation of the optical and electrical properties of the module during its operating lifespan.


Benefits of Silane Graft Additives in Solar POE Film

a. adhesive Enhancement: Silane graft additives provide strong adhesive between the POE film and other module components, such as encapsulants and backsheets. This is one of the benefits of using silane graft additives in solar photovoltaic (PV) film. By doing so, the structural integrity of the module is improved, which in turn reduces the likelihood of delamination and enhances the module’s overall performance.

b. Resistance to Moisture: The additives improve the moisture barrier qualities of solar photovoltaic (PV) films, which allows them to prevent water vapour from entering and the performance loss that is associated with it. Because of this property, photovoltaic modules are guaranteed to be reliable and durable over the long term.

c. Compatibility: Silane graft additives are compatible with a variety of POE films, which enables them to be applied in a diverse manner across a wide range of module designs and configurations. Because of this interoperability, the production process is simplified, and module producers are afforded greater flexibility.

d. Mechanical Strength: The additions enhance the mechanical strength of solar photovoltaic (PV) films, which in turn increases their resistance to the damaging effects of mechanical stress and environmental conditions. This results in a longer lifespan for the module and a reduction in the amount of maintenance that is required.


Benefits of Silane Graft Additives in Solar EPE Film

a. Adhesion Promotion: Silane graft additives promote strong adhesion between the EPE film and other module components, such as encapsulants and backsheets. This is one of the benefits of using silane graft additives in solar EPE film. The structure of the module is guaranteed to be sturdy, and the risk of performance degradation is reduced as a result.

b. Cushioning Effect: The additives improve the cushioning effect of solar EPE films, which results in an increased level of protection against vibrations and mechanical shocks. This feature serves to protect the fragile solar cells that are contained within the module, which ultimately improves the module’s overall durability.

c. Thermal Stability: Silane graft additions improve the thermal stability of solar EPE films, which make it possible for these films to survive temperature fluctuations and thermal cycling. This ensures that the performance of the module remains consistent regardless of the variations in the environment.

d. Weight Reduction: The additives help to reduce the weight of solar EPE films, which ultimately results in PV modules that are lighter and easier to maintain. It is especially useful in situations where weight limits are of utmost importance, such as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), where this property is particularly favourable.



Several types of photovoltaic films, such as solar EVA, solar POE, and solar EPE films, can reap significant benefits from the use of silane graft additives. Adhesion is improved, crosslinking is encouraged, moisture resistance is improved, UV stability is provided, mechanical strength is enhanced, compatibility is offered, cushioning effects are enhanced, thermal stability is improved, and weight reduction is contributed to by these additives. Module makers are able to obtain improved module performance, increased dependability, and a longer lifespan by integrating silane graft additives into the procedures that are used to manufacture PV film. The development and implementation of silane graft additives are ongoing processes that contribute to the progression of photovoltaic (PV) technology as well as the expansion of the solar energy sector as a whole around the world.

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