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Diferencia entre el nailon reforzado con fibra de PA y el nailon ignífugo

Glass fiber reinforced nylon, which is frequently used by people, is really made of nylon and glass fiber as a basic material. In contrast to conventional raised nylon, glass fiber is utilized as a reinforcing agent to change the material, and the type of reinforcing agent is more specifically determined. Glass fiber and carbon fiber are the reinforcing materials utilized in our business, with glass fiber being used more frequently. Glass fibers have progressively enhanced the material’s mechanical capabilities, particularly its stiff qualities like tensile strength and bending strength.

Because the inclusion of glass fiber would enhance the fluidity resistance of the melt and decrease the flowability, it must be big because its shrinkage rate has also been considerably improved, which can effectively solve the issue of “pumping” in the injection molding process. Only at a specific working pressure can injection molding be performed, and a gradual increase in injection molding temperature is also required.



Due to the inverse relationship between strength and ductility, increasing strength will always result in a decrease in the ductility index. Nevertheless, different application situations must be considered when choosing a material, for example, the greater the strength in a cold climate The nylon plus glass fiber combination may not be employed when ductility increases. At this time, ductile materials such modified nylon must be chosen as much as feasible.

In terms of fire-related performance, flame-retardant nylon is mostly used to stop fire from starting and even make it self-extinguish.

The mechanical qualities will be impacted by the addition of halogen-free flame retardants, and because the mechanical properties, including impact resistance, will be lowered, the cost will encourage an increase in the level of flame retardant.

In many nylon applications, nylon reforzado is employed. Our reinforced nylon performs on par with materials imported from other countries. Additionally, we may alter nylon materials to have increased toughness, flame retardancy, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, and hydrolysis resistance in accordance with customer demands. Try our nylon material if you’re creating vehicle components, electric tools, or electrical products. We are a seasoned producer of nylon that has been altered. For many years, our staff has concentrated on services involving modified nylon. Please get in touch with our engineers for personalized help if you’re interested.

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