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Aditivos para películas fotovoltaicas funcionales de silano con alta tasa de transferencia

Nº de modelo: R2120


Los aditivos para películas R2120 presentan una excelente compatibilidad con diversos materiales de películas fotovoltaicas, optimizando la tasa de transferencia de la luz incidente.
Rendimiento Valor Método de ensayo
Densidad 0.95g/㎤ ASTM D792
Punto de fusión(DSC) 69℃(156℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃2,16kg) 5-15g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de silano Alta Método interno
Descripción de los productos


High transfer rate silane functional photovoltaic film additives have a number of benefits, such as better light transmission, higher energy conversion efficiency, fewer hot spot hazards, and better bonding, interfacial adhesion, superior moisture resistance, and longer module lifespans.Silane functional photovoltaic film additives with high transfer rate are specialist compounds designed to increase the light transmission qualities of photovoltaic films used in solar modules. Usually made of silane-based substances, these additives improve the module’s ability to absorb and transmit light.

In solar energy systems, these additions help to improve the environmental resistance, power output, and durability of the modules. High bonding rate silanized photovoltaic film additives are essential for improving the efficiency, dependability, and uptake of photovoltaic modules for sustainable energy solutions because of their extensive variety of uses in the solar energy industry and associated areas.


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Rendimiento Valor Método de ensayo
Densidad 0.95g/㎤ ASTM D792
Punto de fusión(DSC) 69℃(156℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃2,16kg) 5-15g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de silano Alta Método interno

Nota: Los datos anteriores son valores de ensayo típicos y no deben interpretarse como especificaciones.

Dosis recomendada:Según la aplicación real, teniendo en cuenta el coste, la cantidad adecuada de aumento o disminución.

  • Enhanced Light Transmission: The main benefit of silane functional additives is their capacity to enhance photovoltaic films’ light transmission characteristics. By reducing light reflections and losses, these additions increase the amount of incident light that is absorbed and transformed into energy.
  • Higher Energy Conversion Efficiency: These additives help to increase energy conversion efficiency by maximizing the rate at which incoming light is transferred. They guarantee that the sun’s energy is used to its fullest potential, which enhances the photovoltaic module’s total performance and power output.
  • Lower Risk of Hot Spots: The addition of silane functional additives helps to equally disperse light over the solar cells, reducing the possibility of hot spots. This lessens the possibility of performance loss and localized heating, extending the module’s lifetime and overall reliability.
  • Enhanced Durability: The solar film is also made more durable by these additions. Long-term performance and dependability are guaranteed by their resilience to environmental stresses like moisture, temperature swings, and UV radiation.




Higher Power Output: These compounds’ improved light transmission qualities lead to a rise in power output. Through optimizing light absorption and mitigating losses, they augment the solar module’s energy conversion efficiency.

Enhanced Module Efficiency: Silane functional additives aid in raising the solar module’s overall efficiency. Improved performance allows the module to generate more electricity for a given quantity of incident sunlight thanks to higher light transmission and fewer reflections.

Enhanced durability: These additives provide improved long-term durability for solar modules by reducing hot spot dangers and optimizing light distribution. Longer module lifespans, lower maintenance costs, and higher return on investment are the outcomes of this.


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Production of Photovoltaic Films: During the production process, silane functional additives are added to the formulation of photovoltaic films. The incorporation and compatibility of the additives are guaranteed by their uniform dispersion throughout the film.

Assembling solar Modules: The active layers in the construction of solar modules are photovoltaic films with silane functional additives. These films improve the module’s overall performance and power production by enabling effective light absorption and transmission.

Solar Energy Sector: High transfer rate silane functional photovoltaic film additives are widely used in the solar energy sector. By using them in utility-scale solar farms, residential and commercial solar installations, and other solar projects, photovoltaic modules perform better, are more reliable, and more efficient.


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